Tutorial 1: R and Simulation of Population Growth
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 09:26, 17 July 2015 (EDT)
- 1 This changes the default colors in lattice plots.
- 2 knitr settings to control how R chunks work.
- 3 Getting the data
- 4 Reading the Data In
- 5 Create Mean of Points
- 6 Plot
- 7 Option 1: jagged mean
- 8 Option 2: smooth means, but data in bins
- 9 Step 4: computing discrete slope
- 10 Shiny Application Ver. 1: Local Files
- 11 Shiny Application Ver. 2: Load Data File Dynamically
- 12 Shiny Application Ver. 3: Grab file dynamically from Web Page
- 13 Shiny Application Ver. 4: Grab file dynamically from cgi-script
- 14 Steps
- 15 New shiny file.
- 16 Shiny Application Ver. 4: Slider, Grab file dynamically from cgi-script
- 17 Shiny Application Ver. 5: adding an input widget
- 18 Publishing to ShinyApps.io
This changes the default colors in lattice plots.
knitr settings to control how R chunks work.
require(knitr) opts_chunk$set( tidy=FALSE, # display code as typed size="small" # slightly smaller font for code ) ```
Getting the data
# generate pop growth
# generatePop.py
# D. Thiebaut
import random
# define parameters
dataFileName = "pop%04d.dat"
maxT = 2 # how fast we progress in time
T = 3 * 31 # max time frame (3 months)
maxPop = 2400 # max # of students
proportion = 0.50 # how much of the population contributes
# to new cases of infection
oneBigFile = True
severalFiles = True
def generateOneInfectionHistory( Id ):
global dataFileName
# iterate and generate population
pop = 0 # starting pop
t = 0
out = ""
while t <= T:
out += "%d, %d, %d\n" % ( Id, t, pop )
if pop < maxPop / 2:
pop += 1 + random.randrange( int( pop*proportion) +1 )
pop += 1 + random.randrange( int( (maxPop - pop)*proportion) + 1 )
pop = min( maxPop, pop )
t += 1 + random.randrange( maxT )
return out
def main():
allOut = "Id, time, pop\n"
for i in range( 10 ):
out = generateOneInfectionHistory( i+1 )
print( dataFileName % (i+1), "created" )
allOut += out
if severalFiles:
out = "Id, time, pop\n" + out
open( "pop%04d.dat" % (i+1), 'w' ).write( out )
if oneBigFile:
open( "pop%04d_%04d.dat" % (0,(i+1)), 'w' ).write( allOut )
Reading the Data In
pop0000_0200 <- read.csv("~/Desktop/Dropbox/CVC2015_Workshop/pop50_0000_0200.dat")
This generates N different files, and 1 large file containing all the N files.
The format of a file is:
Id, time, pop
1, 0, 0
1, 2, 1
1, 3, 2
1, 5, 3
1, 7, 4
1, 9, 5
1, 11, 8
1, 12, 10
1, 13, 12
1, 15, 16
1, 84, 2400
1, 86, 2400
1, 88, 2400
1, 89, 2400
1, 90, 2400
1, 92, 2400
1, 93, 2400
Create Mean of Points
pop0000_0200avgCount <- pop0000_0200 %>%
group_by( time = 5*trunc(time/5) ) %>%
summarise( avgPop = mean( pop ), count=n() )
Option 1: jagged mean
ggplot( data=pop0000_0200, aes( x = time, y = pop, color = Id ) ) + geom_point( ) +
scale_colour_gradientn(colours=rainbow(4)) +
stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = 'line', color = 'blue' )
Option 2: smooth means, but data in bins
ggplot( data=pop0000_0200, aes( x = trunc(time/3)*3, y = pop, color = Id ) ) +
geom_point( ) +
scale_colour_gradientn(colours=rainbow(4)) +
stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = 'smooth', color = 'blue', width=3 )
<h1 id="option-3-plotting-just-the-mean">Option 3: Plotting just the Mean</h1>
<source lang="text">
ggplot( data=pop0000_0200avgCount ) +
geom_line( aes( x=time, y=avgPop ), color='blue' ) +
xlab( 'time' ) + ylab( 'Infected Population' )
Step 4: computing discrete slope
Add an additional variable (column) to pop0000_0200avgCount, call it slope, and fill it with the avgPop. Then run a for-loop and fill the new column with the value of the slope.
temp <- mutate( pop0000_0200avgCount, slope=avgPop )
for ( i in 2: nrow( temp) ) {
temp[i,4] <- temp[i,2]-temp[i-1,2]
head( temp )
Display the resulting slopes as points:
ggplot( ) + geom_line( data=temp, aes( x=time, y=avgPop ), color='blue' ) +
geom_point( data=temp, aes(x=time, y=slope), color='red' )
Compute the max slope:
summarize( temp, maxSlope=max( slope ) )
Shiny Application Ver. 1: Local Files
# app.R
# D. Thiebaut
library( "ggplot2" )
library( "shiny" )
data_sets <- list()
data_sets[["pop10"]] <- read.csv("~/Desktop/Dropbox/CVC2015_Workshop/pop10_0000_0200.dat")
data_sets[["pop20"]] <- read.csv("~/Desktop/Dropbox/CVC2015_Workshop/pop20_0000_0200.dat")
data_sets[["pop30"]] <- read.csv("~/Desktop/Dropbox/CVC2015_Workshop/pop30_0000_0200.dat")
data_sets[["pop40"]] <- read.csv("~/Desktop/Dropbox/CVC2015_Workshop/pop40_0000_0200.dat")
data_sets[["pop50"]] <- read.csv("~/Desktop/Dropbox/CVC2015_Workshop/pop50_0000_0200.dat")
data_sets[["pop60"]] <- read.csv("~/Desktop/Dropbox/CVC2015_Workshop/pop60_0000_0200.dat")
data_sets[["pop70"]] <- read.csv("~/Desktop/Dropbox/CVC2015_Workshop/pop70_0000_0200.dat")
data_sets[["pop80"]] <- read.csv("~/Desktop/Dropbox/CVC2015_Workshop/pop80_0000_0200.dat")
data_sets[["pop90"]] <- read.csv("~/Desktop/Dropbox/CVC2015_Workshop/pop90_0000_0200.dat")
server <- function( input, output ) {
output$main_plot <- renderPlot({
ggplot( data=data_sets[[paste0("pop", input$n_breaks)]],
aes( x = time, y = pop, color = Id ) ) +
geom_point( ) +
scale_colour_gradientn(colours=rainbow(4)) +
stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = 'line', color = 'blue' )
} )
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput(inputId = "n_breaks",
label = "Population Growth (magic param):",
choices = c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90),
selected = 50),
plotOutput(outputId = "main_plot", height = "300px")
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Shiny Application Ver. 2: Load Data File Dynamically
# app.R
# D. Thiebaut
library( "ggplot2" )
library( "shiny" )
server <- function( input, output ) {
dataSet <- reactive( {
fileName <- paste0( "~/Desktop/Dropbox/CVC2015_Workshop/pop", input$n_breaks, "_0000_0200.dat")
read.csv( fileName )
} )
output$main_plot <- renderPlot({
ggplot( data=dataSet(),
aes( x = time, y = pop, color = Id ) ) +
geom_point( ) +
scale_colour_gradientn(colours=rainbow(4)) +
stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = 'line', color = 'blue' )
} )
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput(inputId = "n_breaks",
label = "Population Growth (magic param):",
choices = c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90),
selected = 50),
plotOutput(outputId = "main_plot", height = "300px")
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Shiny Application Ver. 3: Grab file dynamically from Web Page
Simply create the dataset differently. The URL for the data is http://hadoop0.dyndns.org/R/
Index of /R
[ICO] Name Last modified Size Description
[PARENTDIR] Parent Directory -
[TXT] generatePop.py 2015-07-16 09:21 1.8K
[ ] pop10_0000_0200.dat 2015-07-16 11:45 141K
[ ] pop20_0000_0200.dat 2015-07-16 09:22 146K
[ ] pop30_0000_0200.dat 2015-07-16 09:21 150K
[ ] pop40_0000_0200.dat 2015-07-16 09:22 153K
[ ] pop50_0000_0200.dat 2015-07-16 09:21 154K
[ ] pop60_0000_0200.dat 2015-07-16 09:22 155K
[ ] pop70_0000_0200.dat 2015-07-16 09:22 156K
[ ] pop80_0000_0200.dat 2015-07-16 09:22 157K
[ ] pop90_0000_0200.dat 2015-07-16 09:22 157K
Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at hadoop0.dyndns.org Port 80
And we just need to change how the data-set is created:
dataSet <- reactive( { fileName <- paste0( "http://hadoop0.dyndns.org/R/pop", input$n_breaks, "_0000_0200.dat") read.csv( url( fileName ) ) } )
Shiny Application Ver. 4: Grab file dynamically from cgi-script
- add cgi-bin capability to Apache server on Hadoop0
- create python cgi-bin script
- slightly modify how to get the data from a file name created using the number generated in the input widget.
- the new URL is http://hadoop0.dyndns.org/cgi-bin/generatePop.py?param=50
- change 50 to some int between 1 and 99.
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# D. Thiebaut
# generate pop growth
import random, sys
import cgi
#--- cgi setup ---
print( "Content-Type: text/plain" )
#--- define global parameters ---
dataFileName = "pop%02d_%04d.dat"
maxT = 2 # how fast we progress in time
T = 3 * 31 # max time frame (3 months)
maxPop = 2400 # max # of students
proportion = 0.50 # how much of the population contributes
# to new cases of infection
noFiles = 200
oneBigFile = True
severalFiles = False
printOut = True
def getParams():
""" get parameters from URL"""
dico = {}
arguments = cgi.FieldStorage()
for i in arguments.keys():
#print( i, "-->", arguments[i].value )
dico[i] = arguments[i].value
return dico
def getProportion():
""" get proportion parameter from URL"""
dico = getParams()
return int(dico["param"])/100.0
return 0.50 # default value if nothing is passed
# in URL
def generateOneInfectionHistory( Id ):
"""generate 1 semester worth of data, showing increase
of infected students population as a function of days
(1 semester max)"""
global dataFileName
# iterate and generate population
pop = 0 # starting pop
t = 0
out = ""
while t <= T:
out += "%d, %d, %d\n" % ( Id, t, pop )
if pop < maxPop / 2:
pop += 1 + random.randrange( int( pop*proportion) +1 )
pop += 1 + random.randrange( int( (maxPop - pop)*proportion) + 1 )
pop = min( maxPop, pop )
t += 1 + random.randrange( maxT )
return out
def main():
global noFiles, proportion
# get proportion parameter from URL
proportion = getProportion()
allOut = "Id, time, pop\n"
if printOut:
print( allOut, end="" )
for i in range( noFiles ):
out = generateOneInfectionHistory( i+1 )
if printOut:
print( out, end="" )
allOut += out
if severalFiles:
out = "Id, time, pop\n" + out
open( "pop%02d_%04d.dat" % (int(proportion*100),i+1), 'w' ).write( out )
#print( dataFileName % (int(proportion*100), i+1), "created" )
if oneBigFile:
open( "pop%02d_%04d_%04d.dat" % (int(proportion*100),0,(i+1)), 'w' ).write( allOut )
New shiny file.
# app.R
# D. Thiebaut
# reads data from files on a Web server
library( "ggplot2" )
library( "shiny" )
server <- function( input, output ) {
dataSet <- reactive( {
fileName <- paste0( "http://hadoop0.dyndns.org/cgi-bin/generatePop.py?param=", input$n_breaks )
read.csv( url( fileName ) )
} )
output$main_plot <- renderPlot({
ggplot( data=dataSet(),
aes( x = time, y = pop, color = Id ) ) +
geom_point( ) +
scale_colour_gradientn(colours=rainbow(4)) +
stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = 'line', color = 'blue' )
} )
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput(inputId = "n_breaks",
label = "Population Growth (magic param):",
choices = c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90),
selected = 50),
plotOutput(outputId = "main_plot", height = "300px")
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Shiny Application Ver. 4: Slider, Grab file dynamically from cgi-script
<p>Just change the UI.# app.R
# D. Thiebaut
# reads data from files on a Web server using cgi-bin
# uses a slider
library( "ggplot2" )
library( "shiny" )
server <- function( input, output ) {
dataSet <- reactive( {
fileName <- paste0( "http://hadoop0.dyndns.org/cgi-bin/generatePop.py?param=", input$n_breaks )
read.csv( url( fileName ) )
} )
output$main_plot <- renderPlot({
ggplot( data=dataSet(),
aes( x = time, y = pop, color = Id ) ) +
geom_point( ) +
scale_colour_gradientn(colours=rainbow(4)) +
stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = 'line', color = 'blue' )
} )
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel( "Infected Population", windowTitle = "Growth of Infected Population" ),
sliderInput( inputId = "n_breaks", label = "Population Growth (magic param):",
min = 1, max = 99, step = 0.5, value = 50 ),
plotOutput(outputId = "main_plot", height = "300px")
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Shiny Application Ver. 5: adding an input widget
# app.R
# D. Thiebaut
# reads data from files on a Web server using cgi-bin
# uses a slider
library( "ggplot2" )
library( "shiny" )
server <- function( input, output ) {
dataSet <- reactive( {
fileName <- paste0( "http://hadoop0.dyndns.org/cgi-bin/generatePop.py?proportion=", input$n_breaks,
"&simulations=", input$noSimulations )
read.csv( url( fileName ) )
} )
output$main_plot <- renderPlot({
ggplot( data=dataSet(),
aes( x = time, y = pop, color = Id ) ) +
geom_point( ) +
scale_colour_gradientn(colours=rainbow(4)) +
stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = 'line', color = 'blue' )
} )
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel( "Infected Population", windowTitle = "Growth of Infected Population" ),
mainPanel( h2( "Description"), p( "This graph shows the result of 200 simulations of the growth a population of infected students on a campus, as a function of some 'magic' parameter controlled by the slider."),
p( "The points show the growth resulting from the 200 simulations, and the line shows the average of the points over bins of 3 time periods." ),
p( "The data are read from a URL where a server generates data on the fly. The value of the slider is sent as a suffix to the URL (e.g. http://hadoop0.dyndns.org/cgi-bin/generatePop.py?param=71) and the server generates 200 different simulations." )
selectInput(inputId = "noSimulations",
label = "Number of Simulations:",
choices = c(20, 100, 250, 500, 1000),
selected = 250),
sliderInput( inputId = "n_breaks", label = "Population Growth (magic param):",
min = 1, max = 99, step = 0.5, value = 50 ),
plotOutput(outputId = "main_plot", height = "300px")
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Publishing to ShinyApps.io
- Just File/Publish
- Create account dthiebaut/shiny2foisNeuf2fois
- URL: https://dthiebaut.shinyapps.io/GrowthInfectedPopulation