CSC231 Developing the Game of Life in Assembly

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--D. Thiebaut (talk) 12:25, 27 March 2017 (EDT)

Python Program Developed in Class (3/27/17)

dish = [ ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#',
         ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#',
         ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#',
         ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#',
         ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' ]

newGen = [' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#',
         ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#',
         ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#',
         ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#',
         ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', ' ' ]

N = len( dish )

# applies the rules of life to the array dish,
# and stores the result in the array newGen, which
# is returned.  N is the number of cells.
def life( dish, N ):
    newGen = [' '] * N

    # loop through all the cells
    for i in range( 1, N-1 ):
        # look at fate of cell
        neighbors = 0
        if dish[i-1] == '#': neighbors += 1
        if dish[i+1] == '#': neighbors += 1

        if neighbors == 1:
            newGen[i] = '#'
            newGen[i] = ' '
    return newGen

def main():
    global dish, newGen, N
    maxGen = 20

    print( "".join( dish ) )
    # loop through generations
    for generation in range( maxGen ):

        newGen = life( dish, N )
        # display new generation
        print( "".join( newGen ) )

        # future becomes the present
        dish = newGen



Note, at the time we created this program, we didn't have available to us tests or functions, which makes the code slightly more complicated than needed.

Version 1 (in progress)


;;; ; GameOfLife.asm
;;; ; Authors: D. Thiebaut and CSC231 Class
;;; ;
;;; ; Implements a 1-dimensional version of 
;;; ; Conway's Game of life.
;;; ; Note that because we do not "know" yet
;;; ; how to test or to use functions, the code
;;; ; is not as efficient as it could be.
;;; ;
;;; ; to assemble and run:
;;; ;
;;; ;     nasm -f elf -F  stabs GameOfLife.asm
;;; ;     ld -melf_i386 -o GameOfLife GameOfLife.o
;;; ;     ./GameOfLife
;;; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------

;;;  ------------------------------------------------------------
;;;  data areas
;;;  ------------------------------------------------------------

	        section .data
;;; the current dish with its cells.  We use 0 and 1 to
;;; indicate dead and live cells, respectively.
dish            db      0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1
		db	0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1
		db	0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1
		db	0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1
		db	0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1
N		equ	$-dish			; The number of cells
						;  in the dish

;;; the new generation of cells.  That's the "future" of the
;;; cells in the dish.  We make it the same size as dish, and
;;; fill it with N dead cells.
newGen	        times N db 0
;;; dishP is a string that will contain ' ' or '!' for
;;; each 0 or 1 in dish.  
dishP		times N db ' '
		db	10			; add a \n at the end
						;  of dishP
maxGen		dd	20			; the max number of
						; generations
;;;  ------------------------------------------------------------
;;;  code area
;;;  ------------------------------------------------------------

	        section .text
	        global  _start


;;; print( dish )
		;; first we copy dish into dishP and at the same
		;; time replace 0 by ' ' and 1 by '!'
		mov	ecx, N			;for each byte in dish
		mov	esi, dish		;esi points to source
		mov	edi, dishP
forPrint:	mov	al, byte[esi]
		add	al, 32			;0 becomes ' ', 1 becomes '!'
		mov	byte[edi], al
		inc	esi			;esi points to next byte in dish
		inc	edi			;edi points to next byte in dispP
		loop	forPrint

		;; print dishP as a string.
		mov	eax, 4			;prints dishP to screen
		mov	ebx, 1
		mov	ecx, dishP 		;dishP address
		mov	edx, N+1		;+1 to include the \n
		int	0x80

;;;  exit()

	        mov     eax,1
	        mov     ebx,0
	        int     0x80	; final system call


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#   #   #   #                   #   #   #   #  
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# #         #   #           #   #              
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