CSC111 Homework 11 2018
D. Thiebaut (talk) 20:58, 19 April 2018 (EDT)
Make-Up Homework 11
This homework is due on Thursday, May 3rd, at 11:55 p.m. and is a make-up homework. You can use it to replace the lowest grade you have received on Homework Assignments 1 to 10.
Below is the algorithm explaining how will count toward your homework average grade.
- Write a program that processes a csv file that has been downloaded from the department of eduction of the U.S. government.
It contains the scorecard for 7,594 colleges and universities in the States. Each college/university is listed on one line, as a scorecard. Each scorecard contains 123 fields. The city where the college/university is located is the field at Index 4. The state is in the field at Index 5.
- The original file was downloaded from and is mirrored here:
- You should use the smith college URL in your program.
- Your program should output the 10 cities that contain the largest number of colleges and universities.
- The output should be formatted as followed:
91 New York, NY 76 Chicago, IL ... ... ... 40 Dallas, TX
- The first number is the number of universities or colleges, followed by the name of the city, followed by a comma, followed by the state, as two uppercase letters.
- Your program will not prompt for any input, and will only output 10 lines, as shown above.
- To help you test your program you are given the true first, second and tenth lines of the output. Your program will come up with the others.
- Submit your program as in the Homework 11 section on Moodle.