CSC111 Lab 7 2018
D. Thiebaut (talk) 15:13, 18 March 2018 (EDT)
<showafterdate after="20180324 00:06" before "20180601 00:00">
Solution Programs
The programs below show the evolution of the initial program through many transformations, solving the various challenges contained in this lab.
from graphics import *
from random import *
def main():
win = GraphWin("Lab 7", 600,600)
for i in range( 100 ):
x1 = randint(0, 600 )
y1 = randint(0, 600 )
x2 = randint(0, 600 )
y2 = randint(0, 600 )
r = Rectangle( Point(x1,y1), Point(x2, y2) )
red = randint( 0, 255 )
green = randint( 0, 255 )
blue = randint( 0, 255 )
color = color_rgb( red, green, blue )
r.setFill( color )
r.draw( win )
# Uses from Zelle
# This program displays the basic elements of a program
from graphics import *
def main():
win = GraphWin("Demo #0", 400, 300)
c = Circle(Point(50,50), 10)
win.getMouse() # Pause to view result
win.close() # Close window when done
# Uses from Zelle
# This program displays the basic elements of a program
from graphics import *
def main():
win = GraphWin("Demo #0", 600, 400)
c1 = Circle( Point(50,150), 20 )
c1.draw( win )
c2 = Circle( Point( 100, 150 ), 20 )
c2.draw( win )
r1 = Rectangle( Point( 10, 100 ), Point( 150, 150 ) )
r1.draw( win )
win.getMouse() # Pause to view result
win.close() # Close window when done
# Uses from Zelle
# This program displays the basic elements of a program
from graphics import *
def main():
win = GraphWin( "Lab 7 Demo", 600, 400 )
# create and draw a red circle
center = Point( 100, 100 )
circ = Circle( center, 30 )
circ.setFill( 'red' )
circ.draw( win )
# add a label inside the circle
label = Text( center, "red circle" )
label.draw( win )
# create and draw a rectangle
rect = Rectangle( Point( 30, 30 ), Point( 70, 70 ) )
rect.draw( win )
win.getMouse() # Pause to view result
win.close() # Close window when done
# Uses from Zelle
# This program displays the basic elements of a program
from graphics import *
def main():
win = GraphWin( "Lab 7 Moving ball", 600, 400 )
# create and draw a red circle
center = Point( 100, 100 )
circ = Circle( center, 30 )
circ.setFill( 'red' )
circ.draw( win )
dx = 5
dy = 0.25
while win.checkMouse() == None:
circ.move( dx, dy )
x = circ.getCenter().getX()
y = circ.getCenter().getY()
if ( x > 600 ):
dx = -dx
if ( x < 0 ):
dx = -dx
win.close() # Close window when done
# Uses from Zelle
# This program displays the basic elements of a program
from graphics import *
def main():
win = GraphWin( "Lab 7 Moving ball", 600, 400 )
# create a green obstacle in the middle of the window
x1 = 200
y1 = 200
x2 = 250
y2 = 250
obstacle = Rectangle( Point( x1, y1 ), Point( x2, y2 ) )
obstacle.setFill( "green" )
obstacle.draw( win )
# create and draw a red circle
radius = 30
center = Point( 100, 100 )
circ = Circle( center, radius )
circ.setFill( 'red' )
circ.draw( win )
# define the direction the circle will start moving in.
# 5 pixels to the right every move, and 0.25 pixels down
# every move.
dx = 5
dy = 2.5
# as long as the mouse hasn't been clicked on the window
# keep on looping.
while win.checkMouse() == None:
# move the circle in the current direction.
circ.move( dx, dy )
# get the x and y of the center of the circle.
x = circ.getCenter().getX()
y = circ.getCenter().getY()
# if the center of the ball is outside the right or left boundary,
# reverse the x direction of movement.
if x > 600 - radius or x < radius:
dx = -dx
if y > 400 - radius or y < radius:
dy = -dy
# if the center of the ball is inside the obstacle, stop
# the ball.
if x1 < x < x2 and y1 < y < y2 :
dx = 0
dy = 0
# if we're here, it's because the the user clicked on the graphic window.
# we can close everything and quit.
# Uses from Zelle
# This program displays the basic elements of a program
from graphics import *
def main():
win = GraphWin( "Lab 7 Moving ball", 600, 400 )
# create a green obstacle in the middle of the window
x1 = 200
y1 = 200
x2 = 250
y2 = 250
obstacle1 = Rectangle( Point( x1, y1 ), Point( x2, y2 ) )
obstacle1.setFill( "green" )
obstacle1.draw( win )
# create another green rectangle on the right of the first one
x3 = 350
y3 = 200
x4 = 400
y4 = 250
obstacle2 = Rectangle( Point( x3, y3 ), Point( x4, y4 ) )
obstacle2.setFill( "magenta" )
obstacle2.draw( win )
# create and draw a red circle
radius = 30
center = Point( 100, 100 )
circ = Circle( center, radius )
circ.setFill( 'red' )
circ.draw( win )
# define the direction the circle will start moving in.
# 5 pixels to the right every move, and 0.25 pixels down
# every move.
dx = 5.1
dy = 2.51
# as long as the mouse hasn't been clicked on the window
# keep on looping.
while win.checkMouse() == None:
# move the circle in the current direction.
circ.move( dx, dy )
# get the x and y of the center of the circle.
x = circ.getCenter().getX()
y = circ.getCenter().getY()
# if the center of the ball is outside the right or left boundary,
# reverse the x direction of movement.
if x > 600 - radius or x < radius:
dx = -dx
if y > 400 - radius or y < radius:
dy = -dy
# if the center of the ball is inside the first obstacle, stop
# the ball.
if x1 < x < x2 and y1 < y < y2 :
dx = 0
dy = 0
# if the center of the ball is inside the second obstacle, bounce
# off
if x3 < x < x4 and y3 < y < y4 :
dx = -dx
dy = -dy
# if we're here, it's because the the user clicked on the graphic window.
# we can close everything and quit.
# Uses from Zelle
# This program displays the basic elements of a program
from graphics import *
# ifInside: returns true of the coordinates of a point defined by
# its coordinates ballX and ballY, are inside the rectangle defined by a top
# left point of coordinates obsX1, obsY1, and a bottom-right point
# with coordinates obsX2, obsY2. Returns false if the point is outside
# the rectangle.
def isInside( ballX, ballY, obsX1, obsY1, obsX2, obsY2 ):
if obsX1 < ballX < obsX2 and obsY1 < ballY < obsY2:
return True
return False
def main():
win = GraphWin( "Lab 7 Moving ball", 600, 400 )
# create a green obstacle in the middle of the window
x1 = 200
y1 = 200
x2 = 250
y2 = 250
obstacle1 = Rectangle( Point( x1, y1 ), Point( x2, y2 ) )
obstacle1.setFill( "green" )
obstacle1.draw( win )
# create another green rectangle on the right of the first one
x3 = 350
y3 = 200
x4 = 400
y4 = 250
obstacle2 = Rectangle( Point( x3, y3 ), Point( x4, y4 ) )
obstacle2.setFill( "magenta" )
obstacle2.draw( win )
# create and draw a red circle
radius = 30
center = Point( 100, 100 )
circ = Circle( center, radius )
circ.setFill( 'red' )
circ.draw( win )
# define the direction the circle will start moving in.
# 5 pixels to the right every move, and 0.25 pixels down
# every move.
dx = 5.111
dy = -2.51
# as long as the mouse hasn't been clicked on the window
# keep on looping.
while win.checkMouse() == None:
# move the circle in the current direction.
circ.move( dx, dy )
# get the x and y of the center of the circle.
x = circ.getCenter().getX()
y = circ.getCenter().getY()
# if the center of the ball is outside the right or left boundary,
# reverse the x direction of movement.
if x > 600 - radius or x < radius:
dx = -dx
if y > 400 - radius or y < radius:
dy = -dy
# if the center of the ball is inside the first obstacle, stop
# the ball.
if isInside( x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2 ):
dx = 0
dy = 0
# if the center of the ball is inside the second obstacle, bounce
# off
if isInside( x, y, x3, y3, x4, y4 ):
dx = -dx
dy = -dy
# if we're here, it's because the the user clicked on the graphic window.
# we can close everything and quit.
# Uses from Zelle
# This program displays the basic elements of a program
from graphics import *
# ifInside: returns true of the coordinates of a point defined by
# its coordinates ballX and ballY, are inside the rectangle defined by a top
# left point of coordinates obsX1, obsY1, and a bottom-right point
# with coordinates obsX2, obsY2. Returns false if the point is outside
# the rectangle.
def isInside( ballX, ballY, obsX1, obsY1, obsX2, obsY2 ):
if obsX1 < ballX < obsX2 and obsY1 < ballY < obsY2:
return True
return False
def isLeftSide( x, y, width ):
if x < width//2:
return True
return False
def main():
win = GraphWin( "Lab 7 Moving ball", 600, 400 )
# create a green obstacle in the middle of the window
x1 = 200
y1 = 200
x2 = 250
y2 = 250
obstacle1 = Rectangle( Point( x1, y1 ), Point( x2, y2 ) )
obstacle1.setFill( "green" )
obstacle1.draw( win )
# create another green rectangle on the right of the first one
x3 = 350
y3 = 200
x4 = 400
y4 = 250
obstacle2 = Rectangle( Point( x3, y3 ), Point( x4, y4 ) )
obstacle2.setFill( "magenta" )
obstacle2.draw( win )
# create and draw a red circle
radius = 30
center = Point( 100, 100 )
circ = Circle( center, radius )
circ.setFill( 'red' )
circ.draw( win )
# define the direction the circle will start moving in.
# 5 pixels to the right every move, and 0.25 pixels down
# every move.
dx = 5.111
dy = -2.51
# as long as the mouse hasn't been clicked on the window
# keep on looping.
while win.checkMouse() == None:
# move the circle in the current direction.
circ.move( dx, dy )
# get the x and y of the center of the circle.
x = circ.getCenter().getX()
y = circ.getCenter().getY()
# if the center of the ball is outside the right or left boundary,
# reverse the x direction of movement.
if x > 600 - radius or x < radius:
dx = -dx
if y > 400 - radius or y < radius:
dy = -dy
# if the center of the ball is inside the first obstacle, stop
# the ball.
if isInside( x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2 ):
dx = 0
dy = 0
# if the center of the ball is inside the second obstacle, bounce
# off
if isInside( x, y, x3, y3, x4, y4 ):
dx = -dx
dy = -dy
# if the ball is on the left side of the window, its color is
# red, else its color is yellow.
if isLeftSide( x, y, win.getWidth() )==True:
circ.setFill( 'red' )
circ.setFill( 'yellow' )
# if we're here, it's because the the user clicked on the graphic window.
# we can close everything and quit.
# Uses from Zelle
# This program displays the basic elements of a program
from graphics import *
# ifInside: returns true of the coordinates of a point defined by
# its coordinates ballX and ballY, are inside the rectangle defined by a top
# left point of coordinates obsX1, obsY1, and a bottom-right point
# with coordinates obsX2, obsY2. Returns false if the point is outside
# the rectangle.
def isInside( ballX, ballY, obsX1, obsY1, obsX2, obsY2 ):
if obsX1 < ballX < obsX2 and obsY1 < ballY < obsY2:
return True
return False
def isLeftSide( x, y, width ):
if x < width//2:
return True
return False
def getColor( x, y, w, h ):
if x < w/2 and y < h/2:
return 'yellow'
elif x < w/2 and y > h/2:
return 'blue'
elif x > w/2 and y < h/2:
return 'red'
return 'brown'
def main():
win = GraphWin( "Lab 7 Moving ball", 600, 400 )
# create a green obstacle in the middle of the window
x1 = 200
y1 = 200
x2 = 250
y2 = 250
obstacle1 = Rectangle( Point( x1, y1 ), Point( x2, y2 ) )
obstacle1.setFill( "green" )
obstacle1.draw( win )
# create another green rectangle on the right of the first one
x3 = 350
y3 = 200
x4 = 400
y4 = 250
obstacle2 = Rectangle( Point( x3, y3 ), Point( x4, y4 ) )
obstacle2.setFill( "magenta" )
obstacle2.draw( win )
# create and draw a red circle
radius = 30
center = Point( 100, 100 )
circ = Circle( center, radius )
circ.setFill( 'red' )
circ.draw( win )
# define the direction the circle will start moving in.
# 5 pixels to the right every move, and 0.25 pixels down
# every move.
dx = 5.111
dy = -2.51
# as long as the mouse hasn't been clicked on the window
# keep on looping.
while win.checkMouse() == None:
# move the circle in the current direction.
circ.move( dx, dy )
# get the x and y of the center of the circle.
x = circ.getCenter().getX()
y = circ.getCenter().getY()
circ.setFill( getColor( x, y, win.getWidth(), win.getHeight() ) )
# if the center of the ball is outside the right or left boundary,
# reverse the x direction of movement.
if x > 600 - radius or x < radius:
dx = -dx
if y > 400 - radius or y < radius:
dy = -dy
# if the center of the ball is inside the first obstacle, stop
# the ball.
if isInside( x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2 ):
dx = 0
dy = 0
# if the center of the ball is inside the second obstacle, bounce
# off
if isInside( x, y, x3, y3, x4, y4 ):
dx = -dx
dy = -dy
# if the ball is on the left side of the window, its color is
# red, else its color is yellow.
if isLeftSide( x, y, win.getWidth() )==True:
circ.setFill( 'red' )
circ.setFill( 'yellow' )
# if we're here, it's because the the user clicked on the graphic window.
# we can close everything and quit.