# hw2a.py
# This program prompts the user to enter a number
# Then it will print out four different triangles
# with that number of lines of stars
# typical interaction with user:
# How many lines? 3
# triangle 1
# *
# **
# ***
# triangle 2
# ***
# **
# *
# triangle 3
# *
# **
# ***
# triangle 4
# ***
# **
# *
def main():
# input from user for number of lines of stars
# definitions for stars and spaces
nolines = input ( " How many lines? " )
stars = "*"
space = " "
# triangle 1 output
print "triangle 1"
for i in range (1, nolines+1):
print i * stars
# triangle 2 output
print "triangle 2"
for i in range (nolines):
print (nolines-i)* stars
# triangle 3 output
print "triangle 3"
for i in range (1, nolines+1):
print (nolines-i) * space,
print i * stars
# triangle 4 output
print "triangle 4"
for i in range ( nolines):
print i * space,
print (nolines-i) * stars
# hw2b.py
# Andrea Spain and Kate Zdepski
# 111c-aw
# This program asks the user for three animals, paired with
# their respective noises. It then prints them in the lyrics to Old MacDonald.
def main():
# Gets three animals and their noises from user.
# Adds them to a list of the list.
print "Welcome to old MacDonald's farm."
print "Please enter three animals and the noise they make: "
print ""
farm = []
for i in range(3):
pair = [ raw_input( "animal? " ), raw_input( "noise? " ) ]
# Separates the pair list into two variables and
# prints them into the song using a loop.
for pair in farm :
animal, noise = pair
print ""
print "Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O"
print "And on his farm he had some " + animal+ "s" + ", E-I-E-I-O"
print "And a", noise, "here, and a", noise,
print "there, everywhere a", noise + "!"