CSC220 form2.htm
--D. Thiebaut 12:56, 22 September 2010 (UTC)
<TITLE>CSC220 -- Form 2</TITLE>
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
<h1>Form #2</h1>
This form sends a POST request to a php program
named echoform.php, which<br>
echos back on the screen all the environment variables along with the value of some of<br>
the form elements, depending on whether they are set or not.<br>
This form uses several form features
<table border="1" bgcolor="#9999cc">
<FORM ACTION="echoform.php" METHOD="GET">
Yes, I have read the information: <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="box" VALUE="yes">
<br>(The name of the box above is <i>box</i>)
Enter your name in this box <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name" SIZE="30"><br>
(the name of this box is <i>name</i>)
Enter the meaning of life in the box below<br>
<TEXTAREA NAME="meaninglife" ROWS=6 COLS=40>(please be brief)</TEXTAREA>
<br>(the name of this box is <i>meaninglife</i>)
Exclusive choice: Do you like apples?
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="apple" VALUE="y" checked>Yes
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="apple" VALUE="n">No
<br>(the name of these buttons is <i>apple</i>)
Multiple choices: Do you eat bananas?
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="banana1" VALUE="morning" checked>In the morning
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="banana2" VALUE="lunch">At lunch
<br>(the name of these buttons are <i>banana1</i> and <i>banana2</i>)
One of many: What is your favorite color?
<SELECT NAME="FavoriteColor" SIZE="1">
<br>(The name of this selection box is <i>FavoriteColor</i>)
Reset data fields: <INPUT TYPE="reset">
Submit data <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Click Me!">
<P>CSC220 -- Week #2