CSC231 Homework 4 Solutions -- 2010

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--D. Thiebaut 21:54, 20 October 2010 (UTC)

  • The answers are taken from Tiffany's and Alec's homework answers.

Problem 1:

Option 1

The largest unsigned integer that can be represented using n bits is (2^n) - 1.

a) With 8 bits, we can represent values from 0 to (2^8) - 1 = 255. Thus we can
   represent the following values in the fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,
   13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233 -> 13 terms.

b) With 16 bits, we can represent values from 0 to (2^16) - 1 = 65,535. Thus we
   can represent the following values in the fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5,
   8, 13, 21,..., 46,368 -> 24 terms.

c) With 32 bits, we can represent values from 0 to (2^32) - 1 = 4,294,967,295.
   Thus we can represent the following values in the fibonacci sequence: 1, 1,
   3, 5, 8, 13, 21,..., 2,971,215,073 -> 47 terms.

d) With 64 bits, we can represent values from 0 to (2^64) - 1 = 
   18,446,744,073,709,551,615. Thus we can represent the following values in the   fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21,..., 12,200,160,415,121,876,738
   -> 93 terms.

Option 2

Fibonacci:  1,1,2,3,5,8,13...

 * You could only be able to store up to 233.  The next 
   value, 377, does not fit within 8 bits and will
   instead be stored as 121.  The max value for an 8bit
   unsigned int is 255.
     Number of terms:  13
 * You can only store up to 46,368.  The next value, 75,025,
   is stored as 9,489.  The max value for a 16bit unsigned
   int is 65,535.
     Number of terms:  24
 * You can only store up to 2,971,215,073.  The next value, 
   4,807,526,976 is stored as 512,559,680.  The max value
   for a 32bit unsigned int is 4,294,967,295.
     Number of terms:  47
 * You can only store up to 7,540,113,804,746,346,429.  The
   next value, 12,200,160,415,121,876,738 is stored as
   -6,246,583,658,587,674,878.  The max value for a 64bit
   int (63bit unsigned int) is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.
     Number of terms:  92

Results were calculated with the following python code then 
confirmed with windows calculatori (programmer view):
    def fib(typ):
        a = 1
        b = 1
        i = 2
        while True:
            v1 = a+b
            v2 = typ(v1)
            a = b
            b = v1
            print "%d: %d %d" % (i, v1, v2.value)
            if v1!=v2.value:

>>> from ctypes import *
>>> fib(c_uint8)
3: 2 2
4: 3 3
5: 5 5
6: 8 8
7: 13 13
8: 21 21
9: 34 34
10: 55 55
11: 89 89
12: 144 144
13: 233 233
14: 377 121

>>> fib(c_uint16)
3: 2 2
4: 3 3
5: 5 5
23: 28657 28657
24: 46368 46368
25: 75025 9489

>>> fib(c_uint32)
3: 2 2
4: 3 3
5: 5 5
46: 1836311903 1836311903
47: 2971215073 2971215073
48: 4807526976 512559680

>>> fib(c_int64)
3: 2 2
4: 3 3
5: 5 5
91: 4660046610375530309 4660046610375530309
92: 7540113804746346429 7540113804746346429
93: 12200160415121876738 -6246583658587674878

Problem 2:

1) The unsigned integer x is initialized to the value of 3, which can be 
   representedin 4 bits as 0011. This initial value of x is printed before
   entering the infinite while loop. Inside the loop, the previous value of x
   gets stored in the unsigned itneger variable lastx. Then the value in x gets
   multiplied by 2, which in binary means that all the bits get shifted to the
   left by one. This process of storing the previous x value and shifting the 
   bits in x to the left continues until the value of x becomes less than the
   value of lastx, in which case the respective values get printed and the
   program breaks out of the loop. In this program, x becomes less than lastx
   when when the most significant 1 gets shifted out of the bit sequence used to
   to store integers. As such, the loop stopped when the previous value of x
   (3,221,225,472), which is represented as 
   1100 0000 0000 0000  0000 0000 0000 0000 became 
   1000 0000 0000 0000  0000 0000 0000 0000 (2,147,483,648).

2) From the output it can be seen that in C++, 32 bits are used to store 

3) By removing the word unsigned in front of int, the variables x and lastx are
   now signed integers. using 2's complement, the most significant bit in the
   32 bit sequence representing an integer controls the sign of the value 
   (0 = positive, 1 = negative). Thus, when the bits are shifted to the left by
   one each time through the loop starting with the value of x = 3, the largest 
   positive value that can be stored in the integer is 1,610,612,736, which is
   0110 0000 0000 0000  0000 0000 0000 0000. Once a 1 gets shifted into the 
   most significant bit, the value of x becomes negative, specifically,
   -1,073,741,824, which is less than a positive integer, thus ending the loop.

4) In C++ 8 bits are used to store characters. It appears that when C++ converts
   from a number to a character, the character value is treated as unsigned
   (0110 0000 in unsigned binary = 96 in decimal = ` in char and 1100 0000 in 
   unsigned binary = 192 in decimal = capital A accent grave in char). However,
   when char values are being compared as in if (x <= lastx), the character
   variables are treated as signed since 1100 0000 would have to be equivalent
   to -64 in order to be less than 0110 0000 (96) so that the loop could have 

Problem 3:

1) +---------+------------+-------------+
   | Decimal |   Binary   | Hexidecimal |
   |    0    |  0000 0000 |      00     |
   |   10    |  0000 1010 |      0A     |
   |   16    |  0001 0000 |      10     |
   |   127   |  0111 1111 |      7F     |
   |   128   |Not Possible| Not Possible|
   |  -128   |  1000 0000 |      80     |
   |  -127   |  1000 0001 |      81     |
   |   -16   |  1111 0000 |      F0     |
   |   -10   |  1111 0110 |      F6     |   

2) +-------------+---------------------+---------+
   | Hexidecimal |       Binary        | Decimal |        
   |    FFFF     | 1111 1111 1111 1111 |    -1   |
   |    8000     | 1000 0000 0000 0000 | -32,768 |
   |    7FFF     | 0111 1111 1111 1111 |  32,767 |
   |    1111     | 0001 0001 0001 0001 |   4369  |
   |    1000     | 0001 0000 0000 0000 |   4096  |

Problem 3 Question 3

Any positive binary representation of the number one will be represented with
the least significant digit as one, and all of the digits to the left of it 
as 0.  This is true regardless of the number of bits in the binary 
representation, because any other pattern of bits would change the number's

In any "complement" number system that flips the bits of a binary
number, this pattern is reversed and the least significant bit is represented
as 0, while all of the padding digits to the left of it are represented as 1,
regardless of the number of bits in the representation. 

The definition of the two's complement system tells us to take this process
one step further and add one to the number that results from flipping the 
bits in order to make a number negative.  

Since the least significant bit of binary 1 when flipped is always 0, 
and 0 plus 1 is always 1, then the least significant bit of binary 1 is always
1.  Concatenated with an arbitrary number of padding digits, which we have
shown above will all always be represented as 1,the result is a number
(-1) whose every digit will always be 1, regardless of its length.