CSC220 Homework 5 Solution 2010

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--D. Thiebaut 21:53, 24 October 2010 (UTC)

Problem #1

Questions 1-9

-- hw5b.sql    
-- Alex Cheng (220a-ag)
-- 10/20/10
-- Answers to Homework 5, Part A

-- Question 1: returns all names and ids of records where name contains "processor"
SELECT * FROM `Names` WHERE `Name` LIKE "%processor%";

-- Question 2: returns all ids and names of records that contains "compute"
SELECT * FROM `Names` WHERE `Name` LIKE "%compute%" ORDER BY `Name`;

-- Question 3: same as #2 but returns last 10 entries of alphabetically sorted list
SELECT * FROM `Names` WHERE `Name` LIKE "%compute%" ORDER BY `Name` LIMIT 10;

-- Question 4: same as #2 but returns last 10 entries of alphabetically sorted list
SELECT * FROM `Names` WHERE `Name` LIKE "%compute%" ORDER BY `Name` DESC LIMIT 10;

-- Question 5: returns total number of records in table Names

-- Question 6: returns total number of records in table Connections2 whose Id1 field is 470 
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Connections2` WHERE `Id1`="470";

-- Question 7: returns ids of all entries that are connected to entry ASCII
SELECT `Id2` FROM `Connections2` WHERE `Connections2`.`Id1` in 
   (SELECT `Names`.`Id` FROM `Names` WHERE `Names`.`Name`="ASCII");

-- Question 8: returns names of entries associated with ids from #7
SELECT `Name` FROM `Names` WHERE `Id` in 
    (SELECT `Id2` FROM `Connections2` WHERE `Id1` in 
          (SELECT `Id` FROM `Names` WHERE `Name`="ASCII"));

-- Question 9: same as #8 but returns last 5 entries when list is alpha ordered
SELECT `Name` FROM `Names` WHERE `Id` in (SELECT `Id2` FROM `Connections2` 
    WHERE `Id1` in 
       (SELECT `Id` FROM `Names` WHERE `Name`="ASCII")) 

Question 10

  • To answer this question it is easier to work with a smaller graph, figure out the queries, and then apply them to the Connections2 table.
  `id1` int(1) NOT NULL,
  `id2` int(1) NOT NULL

-- Dumping data for table `Connections2`

INSERT INTO `Connections2` (`id1`, `id2`) VALUES
(1, 2),
(2, 1),
(2, 3),
(3, 2),
(2, 4),
(4, 5),
(2, 1),
(2, 3);

-- let's figure out how many rows we have:

SELECT count( * ) FROM `Connections2`;

-- output = 8

-- how many of these are unique?

SELECT count( distinct Id1, Id2) FROM `Connections2`;

-- output = 6 , so we have 6 unique edges in our graph
-- if this were an odd number we'd know for sure that the
-- graph is directed, as it would mean we'd have one edge
-- that does not have an inverse.  Here we could have two
-- such edges, in which case we still don't know

-- Let's create a temporary table that is like connections2
-- but without duplicates

create table tempConn select distinct * from Connections2

-- contents is
-- 1 2
-- 2 1
-- 2 3
-- 3 2
-- 2 4
-- 4 5

-- create the reflected version of tempConn, i.e.

create table tempConn2 select * from tempConn

-- contents is
-- 1 2
-- 2 1
-- 2 3
-- 3 2
-- 2 4
-- 4 5

-- Join the two tables on rows where Id1, Id2 of one table is equal 
-- to the Id2, Id1 of the other.  In other words, join together the
-- edges that are going from Node A to Node B, and from Node B to Node A

select tempConn.Id1, tempConn.Id2, tempConn2.Id1 as Id1b, tempConn2.Id2 as Id2b 
from tempConn join tempConn2 
  on tempConn.Id2 = tempConn2.Id1 and tempConn.Id1= tempConn2.Id2

-- output
-- 2 1 1 2
-- 1 2 2 1
-- 3 2 2 3
-- 2 3 3 2

-- Now do the same thing with an outer join: If there are edges that
-- do not have reciprocating edges, then NULLs will show up in the table
-- Let's try a left join:

select tempConn.Id1, tempConn.Id2, tempConn2.Id1 as Id1b, tempConn2.Id2 as Id2b 
from tempConn left join tempConn2 
  on tempConn.Id2 = tempConn2.Id1 and tempConn.Id1= tempConn2.Id2

-- output
-- 2 1 1 2
-- 1 2 2 1
-- 3 2 2 3
-- 2 3 3 2
-- 2 4 NULL NULL
-- 4 5 NULL NULL

-- Ah! There are some edges that do not have matching reciprocal edges.  The
-- graph IS directed!