CSC111 Homework 11 Smith Mapping Possible Solution
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 16:35, 6 December 2015 (EST)
Source #kalynn kosyka #jiyoung yun #suppose to analyze csv file that everyone in CSC111 had contributed that included category, name, color, pair programmers, quadrant, coordinates #take the information and get the valid lines and draw out the polygons(buildings, trees, etc) #compare each building to a csv file that contains the year the building has been constructed with the name of the building #each item, if it is in the date-building csv file, those buildings are color coded based on construction date #if the item is not in date-building csv file, will color code differenly based on category #when drawing the buildings, there should be no overlaps #recreate smith map ##Note: version 5 #libraries from graphics import* #global variables/lists WIDTH = 875 HEIGHT = 730 win = GraphWin( "Kosyka - Smith Map", WIDTH, HEIGHT) MapCSV = "GroupSmithMap.csv" DatesCSV = "SmithConstructionDates.csv" #lists used to help with filtering out unnecessary items, list created through other programs colors = ['aliceblue', 'antiquewhite', 'antiquewhite2', 'antiquewhite3', 'antiquewhite4', 'aquamarine', 'azure', 'beige', 'bisque', 'bisque2', 'bisque3', 'bisque4', 'black', 'black', 'blanchedalmond', 'blue', 'blue', "blues',''", 'blueviolet', 'brown', 'brown', 'burlywood', 'cadetblue', 'chartreuse', 'chocolate', 'colorname', 'coral', 'cornflowerblue', 'cornsilk', 'cornsilk2', 'cornsilk3', 'cornsilk4', 'cyan', 'darkgoldenrod', 'darkgray', 'darkgreen', 'darkgrey', 'darkkhaki', 'darkolivegreen', 'darkorange', 'darkorchid', 'darksalmon', 'darkseagreen', 'darkslateblue', 'darkslategray', 'darkturquoise', 'darkviolet', 'deeppink', 'deepskyblue', 'dimgray', 'dodgerblue', 'firebrick', 'floralwhite', 'forestgreen', 'gainsboro', 'ghostwhite', 'gold', 'goldenrod', 'gray', 'green', 'greenyellow', 'grey', 'grey49', 'honeydew', 'honeydew2', 'honeydew3', 'honeydew4', 'hotpink', 'indianred', 'ivory', 'ivory2', 'ivory3', 'ivory4', 'khaki', 'lavender', 'lavenderblue', 'lavenderblush', 'lavenderblush', 'lawngreen', 'lemonchiffon', 'lightblue', 'lightcoral', 'lightcyan', 'lightgoldenrod', 'lightgoldenrodyellow', 'lightgray', 'lightgreen', 'lightgrey', 'lightpink', 'lightsalmon', 'lightseagreen', 'lightskyblue', 'lightslateblue', 'lightslategray', 'lightsteelblue', 'lightyellow', 'limegreen', 'limegreen', 'linen', 'maroon', 'maroon', 'mediumaquamarine', 'mediumblue', 'mediumorchid', 'mediumpurple', 'mediumseagreen', 'mediumslateblue', 'mediumspringgreen', 'mediumturquoise', 'mediumvioletred', 'midnightblue', 'mintcream', 'mintcream', 'mistyrose', 'moccasin', 'navajowhite', 'navy', 'oldlace', 'olivedrab', 'orange', 'orangered', 'orchid', 'palegoldenrod', 'palegreen', 'paleturquoise', 'palevioletred', 'papayawhip', 'papayawhip', 'peachpuff', 'peachpuff2', 'peachpuff3', 'peachpuff4', 'peru', 'pink', 'plum', 'powderblue', 'purple', 'red', 'red', 'rosybrown', 'royalblue', 'saddlebrown', 'salmon', 'sandybrown', 'sandybrown', 'seagreen', 'seashell', 'seashell2', 'seashell3', 'seashell4', 'sienna', 'skyblue', 'slateblue', 'slategray', 'snow', 'snow2', 'snow3', 'snow4', 'springgreen', 'steelblue', 'tan', 'thistle', 'tomato', 'turquoise', 'violet', 'violetred', 'wheat', 'white', 'whitesmoke', 'yellow', 'yellowgreen'] validItems = ['138elmhouse', '146elm', '150elmhouse', '150elmstreet', '30belmontavenue', '44greenstreet', '76elmstreet', 'admissionoffice', 'admissionsparking', 'ainsworthgymnasium', 'basshall', 'bedfordterrace', 'belmontavenue', 'bigtree', 'boathouse', 'botanicalgardens', 'botanicalpond', 'botanicgardenpond', 'botanicgardens', 'burtonhall', 'campuscenter', 'capenannex', 'capengarden', 'capenhouse', 'chapelparking', 'chapinhouse', 'chapinlawn', 'chapinway', 'chasehouse', 'clarkhall', 'collegehall', 'collegelane', 'comstockhouse', 'conferencecenter', 'conwayhouse', 'courts', 'courts', 'crewhouse', 'cushinghouse', 'daviscenter', 'davisparking', 'daweshouse', 'deweyhall', 'drewhall', 'dryadsgreen', 'eleanorducketthouse', 'ellenemersonhouse', 'elmst', 'elmst', 'elmst1', 'field', 'field', 'fieldhouse', 'fieldhouseparking', 'fordhall', 'fordparking', 'franklinkinghouse', 'friedmancomplex', 'friedmanparking', 'gables', 'garage', 'gardinerhouse', 'garrisonhall', 'gilletthouse', 'grecourtparking', 'greenbox', 'greenst', 'greenstreet', 'hatfieldhall', 'havenhouse', 'helenhillshillschapel', 'helenhillshillsparking', 'henshawavenue', 'hillyerhall', 'hopkinshouse', 'hubbardhouse', 'indoortrackparkinglot', 'johnmgreenehall', 'jordanhouse', 'jostenlibrary', 'lamontbridge', 'lamonthouse', 'lamontparking', 'laurascaleshouse', 'lawrencehouse', 'lillyhall', 'lymanconservatory', 'mandelleroad', 'marthawilsonhouse', 'mcconnellhall', 'mendenhall', 'morganhall', 'morrishouse', 'morrowhouse', 'neilsondr', 'neilsonlibrary', 'nielsondr', 'northrophouse', 'otheravenue', 'othertree', 'outdoortrack', 'outdoortrack', 'p', 'p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'paradisepond', 'paradisepondextended', 'paradiseroad', 'park', 'parkannex', 'parkhouse', 'parking', 'parking1', 'parking10', 'parking11', 'parking2', 'parking3', 'parking4', 'parking5', 'parking6', 'parking7', 'parking8', 'parking9', 'parkingarea', 'parkinggarage', 'parkinglot', 'parkingneartenniscourts', 'parkingonweststreet', 'parsonsannex', 'parsonshouse', 'piercehall', 'pitch', 'presidentshouse', 'prospectstreet', 'queenstreet', 'roadsinsidecampus', 'roadsinsidecampus', 'roundhillroad', 'sabinreedhall', 'sagehall', 'scaleshouse', 'schachtcenterforhealthandwellness', 'scottgymnasium', 'seelyehall', 'seelyelawn', 'sessionsannex', 'sessionshouse', 'softballfield', 'softballfield', 'stoddardhall', 'sweeneyconcerthall', 'talbothouse', 'tenneyhouse', 'tennis', 'tennis', 'tenniscourt', 'theaterparking', 'theatre14', 'thegables', 'thepitch', 'tree', 'trees', 'trees1', 'trees2', 'trees3', 'tylerannex', 'tylerhouse', 'unityhouse', 'washburnhouse', 'wesleyhouse', 'weststreet', 'wilderhouse', 'wrighthall', 'youngsciencelibrary', 'ziskindhouse'] validCategories = ["field", "lawn", "parkinglot", "river", "road", "tree", "building", "house"] # not including buildings, houses ,#"building", "field", "parkinglot", "river", "road", "house", "tree" validHouses = ['albright', 'alumnae', 'baldwin', 'capenannex', 'chapen', 'chapin', 'chase', 'comstock', 'cushing', 'cutter', 'duckett', 'emerson', 'gardiner', 'gillett', 'hopkins', 'jordan', 'king', 'lamont', 'lawrence', 'lymanplant', 'morris', 'morrow', 'northrop', 'park', 'parsonsannex', 'scales', 'sessions', 'sessionsannex', 'talbot', 'tenney', 'tyler', 'washburn', 'wesley', 'wilder', 'wilson', 'ziskind'] ############################################################################################# # # CLASSES # ############################################################################################# class colorCoding: #purpose is to create little boxes that are used for color coding, or anything associated to the color coding def __init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, text): p1 = Point(x1, y1) p2 = Point(x2, y2) self.frame = Rectangle(p1, p2) self.frame.setFill(color) self.label= Text(Point( x1+75, y1+15), text) def draw(self, win): self.frame.draw( win ) self.label.draw( win ) def setWidth(self, win): self.frame.setWidth(win) def setStyle(self, win): self.frame.setStyle(win) def setSize(self, win): self.frame.setSize(win) ######################################################################### # # FUNCTIONS # ########################################################################## def lengend(): #to create the legend that appears on the right side of the map x1 = 745 y1 = 240 x2 = 775 y2 = 270 outlineBox = colorCoding(4,4,735,730, "", "") outlineBox.setWidth(8) outlineBox.draw(win) titleBox = colorCoding(740, 4, 875, 190, "white", "") titleBox.draw(win) title = Text (Point(808, 100), "SMITH \n COLLEGE \n MAP") title.setSize(28) title.setStyle("bold") title.draw(win) backgroundBox = colorCoding(740, 195, 873, 725 , "white", "") lengendLabel = Text (Point(808, 215), "LEGEND") lengendLabel.setStyle('bold') descriptionLabel = Text (Point(807, 230), "(year building constructed)") backgroundBox.draw(win) lengendLabel.draw(win) descriptionLabel.draw(win) box1 = colorCoding(x1, y1, x2, y2, "thistle", "1700 - 1750") box1.draw(win) box2 = colorCoding(x1, y1+35, x2, y2+35, "purple", "1750 - 1800") box2.draw(win) box3 = colorCoding(x1, y1+70, x2, y2+70, "violet", "1800 - 1850") box3.draw(win) box4 = colorCoding(x1, y1+105, x2, y2+105, "darkviolet", "1850 - 1900") box4.draw(win) box5 = colorCoding(x1, y1+140, x2, y2+140, "mediumorchid", "1900 - 1950") box5.draw(win) box6 = colorCoding(x1, y1+175, x2, y2+175, "orchid", "1950 - 2000") box6.draw(win) box7 = colorCoding(x1, y1+210, x2, y2+210, "mediumvioletred", "2000 - Present") box7.draw(win) box8 = colorCoding(x1, y1+245, x2, y2+245, "red", "Unknown Year") box8.draw(win) categoryLabel = Text (Point(808, 530), "(category)") categoryLabel.draw(win) box9 = colorCoding(x1, y1+310, x2, y2+310, "Medium Sea Green", "field") box9.draw(win) box10 = colorCoding(x1, y1+345, x2, y2+345, "gainsboro", "parking lot") box10.draw(win) box11 = colorCoding(x1, y1+380, x2, y2+380, "Dodger Blue", "river") box11.draw(win) box12 = colorCoding(x1, y1+415, x2, y2+415, "Dim Gray", "road") box12.draw(win) box13 = colorCoding(x1, y1+450, x2, y2+450, "Dark Green", "tree") box13.draw(win) def compass(): #to draw a compass that appears on the upper left, used to help navigate directions #arrows t1 = Polygon(Point(50, 50), Point(42,50), Point(50, 25)) t2 = Polygon(Point(50, 50), Point(58,50), Point(50, 25)) t3 = Polygon(Point(50, 50), Point(50,42), Point(75, 50)) t4 = Polygon(Point(50, 50), Point(50,58), Point(75, 50)) t5 = Polygon(Point(50, 50), Point(42,50), Point(50, 75)) t6 = Polygon(Point(50, 50), Point(58,50), Point(50, 75)) t7 = Polygon(Point(50, 50), Point(50,42), Point(25, 50)) t8 = Polygon(Point(50, 50), Point(50,58), Point(25, 50)) t1.setFill("black") t2.setFill("grey") t3.setFill("black") t4.setFill("grey") t5.setFill("black") t6.setFill("grey") t7.setFill("black") t8.setFill("grey") t1.draw(win) t2.draw(win) t3.draw(win) t4.draw(win) t5.draw(win) t6.draw(win) t7.draw(win) t8.draw(win) textN = Text (Point(80,50),"N") textN.draw(win) textW = Text (Point(50,20),"W") textW.draw(win) textE = Text (Point(50,85),"E") textE.draw(win) textS = Text (Point(20,50),"S") textS.draw(win) c = Circle(Point(50, 50), 10) c.setFill("black") c.draw(win) def combineInfo(items, dates): #get date-building csv file #get shared map csv file #remove any invalid lines #use date-building csv to assign building name with years so can be color coded accordingly yearList1 = [] nameList1 = [] for dateItem in dates: dateItem = (str(dateItem)).strip( ).split('\n') year = (str(dateItem))[2:6] nameList = (((str(dateItem))[7:-2]).lower().split(' ')) name = str("".join(nameList)) name1List = str(name).split(".") name = str("".join(name1List)) nameList1.append(name) yearList1.append(year) nameList1 = nameList1 yearList1 = yearList1 #split up items from map csv #get rid of invalid lines, if necessary itemName = {} #dictionary countTree = 0 for item in items: try: item = item.split("\n") if (str(item)).find('#') != -1:#get rid of lines that have '#' continue item = (str(item)).split(",")#get rid of lines that are too short if len(item) <= 5: continue #used for specific lines that create more pleasing polygons if item[3:6] == [' McCulloch', 'Mockler', 'Strohbeck']: item[3] = " and ".join(item[3:6]) item[4] = item[6] name = name+"1" item[0] = item[0] item[2] = item[2] item[5:-2] = item[7:-2] if item[3] == " Lynn Albright": item[5:-2] = item[4:-2] item[4] = "4" if item[4] == " Quadrant 4": item[4] = item[4].replace(" Quadrant ", "") quadrant = (str(item[4]+"z")).strip() quadrantList = ["1z","2z","3z","4z"] if not quadrant in quadrantList: continue quadrant = quadrant.strip("z") #designating each variable category = ((item[0])[2:]).lower()#insignificant nameList2 = item[1].lower().split(' ') name = "".join(nameList2) colorList2 = item[2].lower().split(' ') color2 = "".join(colorList2) coordinate = item[5:-2] category = str(item[0]) categoryList = str(category[2:len(category)]).lower().split(" ") category = "".join(categoryList) pairsList = item[3].lower().split(" ") pairs = "".join(pairsList) if name.find('/') != -1:#get rid of connected names (ex: wilson/morrow, etc) continue if name.find('-') != -1: if name == "sunnyside-childcarecenter" or name == "campusschool-gillhall" or name == "sabin-reedhall": name = name else: continue #fixing specific issues in order to add more valid lines and get a better polygon possibly #also continuing to filter through specific lines that are better than the ones with the "better coordinates" if name.find("john") != -1: name = "johnmgreenehall" if name.find("(") != -1: if not (name.find("(cdo)") != -1): continue if not color2 in colors: #get rid of colors that aren't colors such as names continue if name == "chapinlawn": if category == "lawn": continue if name == "sabin-reedhall": name = "sabinreedhall" if category == "river": if name == "paradiseroad": continue if category == "building": if name == "courts": continue if name == "paradisepond": if not pairs == "jocelynkofkeandarianameredith": continue if pairs == "mccullochandmocklerandstrohbeck": if name == "seelyelawn": continue if pairs == "kalynnkosykaandjiyoungyun": if name == "lymanconservatory": continue if pairs == "kalynnkosykaandjiyoungyun": if name in validHouses: category = "house" lenCoor = len(coordinate)//2 if category == "parkinglot": if lenCoor < 3: continue if name.find("greent") != -1: name = name.replace("greent", "green") if pairs == "luciasimovaandhopemackeith": coordinate1 = ", ".join(coordinate) findExcessCommas = int(coordinate1.find(", , , , , ,")) coordinate = (coordinate1[:findExcessCommas]).split(",") if name == "elmstreet": continue if category == "tree": if name == "trees": countTree += 1 name = name+str(countTree) if name.find("gym") != -1: name = name.replace("gym", "gymnasium") if category == "house" : if not name.find("house") != -1: name = name+"house" #considering the mispelled houses such as martha wilson house vs wilson if name.find("ducketthouse") != -1: name = "eleanorducketthouse" if not pairs == "kalynnkosykaandjiyoungyun": continue if name.find("chasehouse") != -1: name = "maryellenchasehouse" if not pairs == "kalynnkosykaandjiyoungyun": continue if name.find("emersonhouse") != -1: name = "ellenemersonhouse" if not pairs == "kalynnkosykaandjiyoungyun": continue if name.find("wilsonhouse") != -1: name = "marthawilsonhouse" if not pairs == "kalynnkosykaandjiyoungyun": continue if name.find("kinghouse") != -1: name = "franklinkinghouse" if not pairs == "kalynnkosykaandjiyoungyun": continue if name.find("scaleshouse") != -1: name = "laurascaleshouse" if not pairs == "kalynnkosykaandjiyoungyun": continue if name.find("president'shouse") != -1: name = "presidentshouse" if name == "": name = "friedmancomplex" if name.find("annex") != -1: name = name.replace("house", "") if name.find("seelye") != -1 and not name.find("hall") != -1 and not name.find("lawn"): name = name+"hall" #fixing specific typing like neilson to neilsonlibrary if name.find("neilson") != -1 and not name.find("library") != -1: name = name+"library" if name.find("ave") != -1 and not name.find(".") != -1 and not name.find("avenue") != -1: name = name.replace("ave", "avenue") if name.find("ave.") != -1: name = name.replace("ave.", "avenue") if name.find("bridge") != -1: name = "lamont"+name if name == "comstockhouse" or name == "wilderhouse" or name == "gardinerhouse" or name == "jordanhouse" or name == "cushinghouse": if not pairs == "kalynnkosykaandjiyoungyun": continue if category == "parking": category = category.replace("parking", "parkinglot") if category == "parkinglot": if pairs == "leighandnatalia": if name == "p2" or name == "p3": continue validBuildings = False if (name in validItems) == True: if (category in validCategories) == True: validBuildings = True if (name in nameList1) == True: index = nameList1.index(name) yearItem = int(yearList1[index]) if yearItem <= 1750: color = "thistle" if yearItem <= 1800: color = "purple" elif yearItem <= 1850: color = "violet" elif yearItem <= 1900: color = "darkviolet" elif yearItem <= 1950: color = "mediumorchid" elif yearItem <= 2000: color = "orchid" else: if yearItem <= 2050: color = "mediumvioletred" else: category = category.strip() #make everything that that does not have a year associated a faded color, #so it doesn't attract away from the buildings with actual dates if category == "field": name = name+"+"+category elif category == "lawn": name = name+"+"+category elif category == "parkinglot": name = name+"+"+category elif category == "river": name = name+"+"+category elif category == "road": name = name+"+"+category elif category == "tree": name = name+"+"+category else: if category == "building" or category == "house": name = name+"+"+category #red are the buildings/houses that do not have a year assigned, so unknown year else: continue else: continue if not validBuildings: continue if name not in itemName.keys(): itemName[name] = coordinate else: if len(coordinate) > len(itemName[name]): itemName[name] = coordinate else: continue except: continue for key, value in itemName.items(): #loop through the keys in the itemName dictionary in order to look at the "chosen" lines try: polygon = [] name = key coordinate = value for x, y in zip(range(0, len(coordinate), 2), range(1, len(coordinate), 2)): #alternate the numbers so every even is x and every odd is y X = coordinate[x].strip() #removing any excess un-needed info Y = coordinate[y].strip() #removing any excess un-needed info points = Point(X, Y) #creating point polygon.append(points)#add point to polygon if not (name in nameList1) == True: if name.find("+") != -1: indexNum = int(name.find("+")) category = name[indexNum+1:len(name)] name = name[:indexNum] #color code by category if category == "field" or category == "lawn": color = "Medium Sea Green" elif category == "parkinglot": color = "gainsboro" elif category == "river": color = "Dodger Blue" elif category == "road": color = "Dim Gray" elif category == "tree": color = "Dark Green" else: if category == "building" or category == "house": color = "red" else: #color code according to date if it has a date index = nameList1.index(name) yearItem = int(yearList1[index]) validBuildings = True if yearItem <= 1750: color = "thistle" if yearItem <= 1800: color = "purple" elif yearItem <= 1850: color = "violet" elif yearItem <= 1900: color = "darkviolet" elif yearItem <= 1950: color = "mediumorchid" elif yearItem <= 2000: color = "orchid" else: if yearItem <= 2050: color = "mediumvioletred" createMap(name, color, polygon) except: continue def createMap(name, color, polygon): #to create the map of each item/polygon and color coding poly = Polygon(polygon) #objectifying the polygon poly.draw(win) #draw on window poly.setFill(color)#fill in color based on that house def openSmithMapCSV(file): #to open the smith map csv that is has been collaborated by every csc111 student file = open(file, "r") lines = file.readlines() file.close() return lines def openDatesCSV(file): #to open the date-building file that has described the year the building has been constructed file = open(file, "r") lines = file.readlines() file.close() return lines ############################################################################# # # MAIN # ############################################################################# def main(): #open Smith Map Group CSV file with a different function mapInfo = openSmithMapCSV(MapCSV) win.setBackground("Dark Sea Green") #background, to make a more realistic map #open Smith Building Construction dates with a different function dates = openDatesCSV(DatesCSV) #compare both information in another function #which then calls a function, createMap, in order to draw out the map combineInfo(mapInfo, dates) #display compass #display legend lengend() compass() main()