CSC111 Lab 10 2018
D. Thiebaut (talk) 11:30, 8 April 2018 (EDT)
<showafterdate after="20180414 13:00" before="20180601 00:00">
Solution Program
# D. Thiebaut
# A collection of functions for manipulating an image
# using nested for loops. Each function corresponds to a
# transformation that was introduced in the lab.
from graphics import *
# We measured the image dimensions to be 243x207
# We make the window the same size
WIDTH = 243
HEIGHT = 207
def sideways( img ):
for x in range( WIDTH ):
for y in range( x ):
# make sure y does not get larger than height of image
if y < HEIGHT:
# modify color of pixel at x, y...
red, green, blue = img.getPixel( x, y )
grey = int( 0.3 * red +0.6 * green +0.11 * blue )
color = color_rgb( grey, grey, grey )
img.setPixel( x, y, color )
def blackAndWhite( img, win ):
"""sets the red component of the pixels of the image
to their maximal value"""
for x in range( WIDTH ):
for y in range( HEIGHT ):
red, green, blue = img.getPixel( x, y )
grey = int( 0.3 * red +0.6 * green +0.11 * blue )
color = color_rgb( grey, grey, grey )
img.setPixel( x, y, color )
def saturate( component ):
"""transforms component into min or max value depending
on its intensity."""
if component < 125:
return 0
return 255
def AndyWarhol( img ):
"""saturates the image by saturating the
RGB components. If the R component is less than 125, then
set it to 0, otherwise set it to 255. Same for blue and green."""
for x in range( WIDTH ):
for y in range( HEIGHT ):
red, green, blue = img.getPixel( x, y )
# the line below replaces the pixel with its original color. Change
# the amount of red, green and blue to see some change in the colors
newColor = color_rgb( saturate(red), saturate(green), saturate(blue) )
img.setPixel( x, y, newColor )
def makeRed( img ):
"""sets the red component of the pixels of the image
to their maximal value"""
for x in range( WIDTH ):
for y in range( HEIGHT ):
red, green, blue = img.getPixel( x, y )
img.setPixel( x, y, color_rgb(255, green, blue ) )
def pixelate( img, win ):
img.undraw( )
for x in range( 0, WIDTH, 10 ):
for y in range( 0, HEIGHT, 10 ):
red, green, blue = img.getPixel( x, y )
circ = Circle( Point( x, y ), 5 )
circ.setFill( color_rgb( red, green, blue ) )
circ.draw( win )
def addBorder( img ):
"""add a red border around the image"""
for x in range( WIDTH ):
for y in range( 6 ):
img.setPixel( x, y, color_rgb(255, 0, 0 ) )
for y in range( HEIGHT-5, HEIGHT ):
img.setPixel( x, y, color_rgb(255, 0, 0 ) )
for y in range( HEIGHT ):
for x in range( 6 ):
img.setPixel( x, y, color_rgb(255, 0, 0 ) )
for x in range( WIDTH-5, WIDTH ):
img.setPixel( x, y, color_rgb(255, 0, 0 ) )
def addRedDiagonal( img ):
"""draws a red diagonal going from the top-left corner
of the image down."""
for x in range( 0, WIDTH ):
y = x
if y < HEIGHT:
red, green, blue = img.getPixel( x, y )
img.setPixel( x, y, color_rgb( 255, 0, 0 ) )
def addRedCross( img ):
"""draws a red cross going from the top-left corner
of the image down, and from top-right corner down to
lower left side of the image."""
for x in range( 0, WIDTH ):
y = x
if y < HEIGHT:
red, green, blue = img.getPixel( x, y )
img.setPixel( x, y, color_rgb( 255, 0, 0 ) )
for x in range( WIDTH-1, -1, -1 ):
y = WIDTH-1-x
if y < HEIGHT:
red, green, blue = img.getPixel( x, y )
img.setPixel( x, y, color_rgb( 255, 0, 0 ) )
def symmetry( img ):
"""draws the image horizontally symmetrical around the
vertical middle of the image"""
for x in range( 0, WIDTH//2 ):
x2 = WIDTH-1-x
for y in range( 0, HEIGHT ):
red, green, blue = img.getPixel( x, y )
img.setPixel( x2, y, color_rgb(red, green, blue ) )
def fog( img ):
"""creates a fog effect, making the pixels more and more
white as we get closer to the bottom of the window."""
for x in range( 0, WIDTH ):
for y in range( 0, HEIGHT ):
red, green, blue = img.getPixel( x, y )
percent = 1.0 * y / HEIGHT
red = int( red + (255-red)*percent )
green = int( green + (255-green)*percent )
blue = int( blue + (255-blue)*percent )
img.setPixel( x, y, color_rgb(red, green, blue ) )
def waitForClick( win, message ):
""" waitForClick: stops the GUI and displays a message.
Returns when the user clicks the window. The message is erased."""
# wait for user to click mouse to start
startMsg = Text( Point( win.getWidth()/2, win.getHeight()-15 ), message )
startMsg.draw( win ) # display message
win.getMouse() # wait
startMsg.undraw() # erase
def main():
# open the graphic window
win = GraphWin( "Your name here", WIDTH, HEIGHT )
# create an image with its center corresponding to the center
# of the window.
img = Image( Point(WIDTH//2, HEIGHT//2), "catHat.gif", )
# make the image appear in the window
img.draw( win )
# transform the pixels of the image
#makeRed( img )
# create Andy Warhl image
#AndyWarhol( img )
# make the image black and white
#blackAndWhite( img, win )
# apply a sideways transformation
#sideways( img )
# add a border
#addBorder( img )
# add a red diagonal to the image
#addRedDiagonal( img )
# add a red cross to the image
#addRedCross( img )
# pixelate the image
pixelate( img, win )
# symmetrical cat in fog
#symmetry( img )
#fog( img )
# close the window when the user clicks on it
waitForClick( win, "click to close" )