--D. Thiebaut 13:17, 24 March 2010 (UTC)
A program moving a ball in a random direction at a random speed. The ball leaves the screen eventually...
# A program that uses the graphics library to display a ball
# (circle) starting in the middle of the screen and moving
# in a random direction, at a random speed. The program
# moves the ball in 200 steps and stops afterward.
from graphics import *
import random
W = 300
H = 300
def simul( c, dx, dy ):
for step in range( 200 ):
c.move( dx, dy )
def waitForClick( win, message ):
""" waitForClick: stops the GUI and displays a message.
Returns when the user clicks the window. The message is erased."""
# wait for user to click mouse to start
startMsg = Text( Point( win.getWidth()/2, win.getHeight()/2 ), message )
startMsg.draw( win ) # display message
win.getMouse() # wait
startMsg.undraw() # erase
def main():
win = GraphWin( "moving ball", W, H )
#--- define a ball position and velocity ---
c = Circle( Point( W/2, H/2 ), 15 )
c.setFill( "red" )
c.draw( win )
waitForClick( win, "Click to Start" )
simul( c, 3-random.randrange( 6 ), 3-random.randrange( 6 ) )
waitForClick( win, "Click to End" )