--D. Thiebaut 16:14, 26 February 2010 (UTC)
The program below was put together (but is not finished) using the top-down approach. Students selected the problem: "Generate a list of random students with random names, and random ages, sort them up and find the oldest, and store the list in a file".
The more advanced version, created outside class with a bit more time is available here.
def getRandomStudents():
students = [ [ "Jane", 1, 2, 1990 ],
[ "Joe", 2, 3, 1991 ] ]
return students
def reorder( students ):
newStudents = []
for student in students:
name, month, day, year = student
newStudents.append( [ year, month, day, name ] )
print "newS = ", newStudents
return newStudents
def printOldest( students ):
newS = reorder( students )
#print students
print "oldest = ", newS[ 0 ]
def storeToFile( students ):
file = open( "students.txt", "w" )
file.write( str( students ) )
def main():
students = getRandomStudents()
#print students
printOldest( students )
storeToFile( students )