;;; fileio2.inc
;;; D. Thiebaut
;;; a collection of useful macros to deal with files
;;; and read the contents of a file specified as the first
;;; argument on the command line.
%assign SYs_EXIT 1
%assign SYs_WRITE 4
%assign SYs_READ 3
%assign SYs_LSEEK 19
%assign SEEKSET 0
%assign STDOUT 1
%assign SYs_OPEN 5
%assign SYs_CLOSE 6
%assign O_RDWR 2
;;; --- MACRO -----------------------------------------------
;;; writeStr message, messageLength
%macro writeStr2 2
mov eax,SYs_WRITE
mov ebx,STDOUT
mov ecx,%1
mov edx,%2
int 0x80
;;; --- MACRO -----------------------------------------------
;;; dumpStr "literal string"
%macro dumpStr 1
section .data
%%string db %1
db 0x0A
%%strLen equ $-%%string
section .text
writeStr2 %%string, %%strLen
;;; --- MACRO -----------------------------------------------
;;; openFile filename, [handle], errorMsg, errorLen
%macro openFile 4
mov eax,SYs_OPEN
mov ebx,%1
mov ecx,O_RDWR
mov edx,0
int 0x80
test eax,eax
jns %%readFile
writeStr2 %3, %4 ; there was an error. Stop!
mov eax,SYs_EXIT
mov ebx,0
int 0x80 ; final system call
mov %2,eax
;;; --- MACRO -----------------------------------------------
;;; readFile [handle], buffer, buffer-length, number-bytes-read
%macro readFile 4
mov eax,SYs_READ
mov ebx,%1 ; file descriptor in bx
mov ecx,%2 ; buffer address
mov edx,%3 ; max number of bytes to read
int 0x80
mov [%4],eax ; save number bytes read
;;; --- MACRO -----------------------------------------------
;;; writeBuf [handle], buffer, noBytesToWrite
%macro writeBuf 3
mov eax,SYs_WRITE
mov ebx,%1
mov ecx,%2
mov edx,[%3]
int 0x80
;;; --- MACRO -----------------------------------------------
;;; seek0 [handle]
%macro seek0 1
mov eax,SYs_LSEEK
mov ebx,%1
mov ecx,0
mov edx,SEEKSET
int 0x80
;;; --- MACRO -----------------------------------------------
;;; close [handle]
%macro close 1
mov eax,SYs_CLOSE
mov ebx,%1
int 0x80