CSC111 Class Demo Programs 2015
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 11:48, 12 February 2015 (EST)
# D. Thiebaut
# Programs demonstrated in class on 2/11/15
# See lecture notes for that day for details.
# in this function, we look at the problem of transforming
# information from numbers in a list [1, 2, 1, 3, 4] to
# a string of characters: #++#+++####.
def main3():
# set 2 variables that contain the 2 types of characters
# we are going to print.
ch1 = "#"
ch2 = "+"
# we are going to accumulate characters in the string line.
# we have to initialize it to something before we start.
line = ""
# we loop through the list of numbers. For each one, we
# generate a list of that number of # or + characters
# and we accumulate it at the end of the string line.
for i in [1, 2, 1, 3, 4]:
# debugging statement to be removed later
print( "beg loop: line=", line, " i=", i,
"ch1=",ch1,"ch2=",ch2 )
line = line + (i*ch1) # add i characters to the end of line
ch1, ch2 = ch2, ch1 # swap the characters
# debugging statements to be removed later
print( "end loop: line=", line, " i=", i,
"ch1=",ch1,"ch2=",ch2 )
print( "line =", line )
# computation of the factorial of a number.
# we observe that Python can computer *very large* numbers!
def main2():
n = 1000
fact = 1
for i in range( n, 1, -1 ):
#print( "enter loop: fact =",fact,"i=", i )
fact = fact * i
#print( "end of loop: fact=",fact,"i=", i )
print( "factorial of", n, "= ", fact )
# Compute the sum of a list of numbers
def main1():
ages = [12, 14, 10]
# we accumulate the sum in sumAge. It has to
# be initialized to 0 first.
sumAge = 0
# loop and get each number in the list into age. Then
# add age to sumAge, so that we accumulate the sum, one
# loop at a time.
for age in [12, 14, 10]:
#print( age, sumAge )
sumAge = sumAge + age
print( "sum = ", sumAge )
# Displaying a nicely formatted table of temperatures.
def main():
start = 30
stop = 50
increment = 2
# create a string that contains the top and bottom bars
bar ="+" + ("-"*6 ) + "+" + ("-"*6 ) + "+"
print( bar )
# display the Fahrenheit and Celsius, in a columnar fashion
for fahr in range( start, stop+1, increment ):
celsius = ( fahr - 32 ) * 5 / 9
print( "|{1:6.2f}|{0:6.2f}|" . format( celsius, fahr ) )
print( bar )