CSC111 Debugging a Loop
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 08:28, 25 September 2015 (EDT)
Debugging a Loop
# D. Thiebaut
# Example of how one would go about debugging a simple
# program and reveal how the loop works.
def main():
# initialize variables
sum = 0
count = 0
print( "sum = {0:1} count = {1:1}".format( sum, count ) )
# loop through a list of ages and compute the total sum
# of the ages, and the number of values in the list.
for age in [20, 19, 21, 20, 21, 29, 17]:
sum = sum + age
count = count + 1
print( "age = {0:5} sum = {1:5} count = {2:5}".format( age, sum, count ) )
# compute the average, displays quantities of interest
print( "-" * 30 )
print( "sum = ", sum )
print( "count = ", count )
print( "average = ", sum/count )