CSC111 Homework 12 2015
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 17:30, 19 April 2015 (EDT)
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This homework is optional. If you skip it, you will not be penalized. If you work on it and submit it, however, the grade you will get for will replace the lowest grade you will have obtained on any of the previous homework assignments. So, if you were not able to submit Homework 5, for example, then the grade for Homework 12 will become the grade for Homework 5.
The rule of dropping the lowest homework of the semester still holds. Once the grade for Homework 12 is plugged into your past homework grades, I will drop the lowest of the whole semester. This will not be apparent in the grade-book on Moodle, but will be done in an eXcel spreadsheet, once the semester is over.
Problem #1
Write a program called that contains a recursive function called smallestLargest() which returns the smallest and largest elements of a list of integers.
Example main() program:
""" yourname This program prompts the user for a number of random integers that should be generated and stored in a list, and then calls the recursive function smallestLargest() on this list. The recursive function finds the smallest and largest items and returns both. """ import random # your recursive function goes here... def generateAListOfRandomInts( ): """prompts the user for a number of items, and creates a list with that many random integers. Returns the list. """ # sets the seed to 1. Do not change this line!!! random.seed( 1 ) # get a number from the user n = int( input( "How many random numbers in the list? ") ) # create a list with n random ints between 0 and 30. A = [] for i in range( n ): A.append( random.randint(0, 30) ) return A def main(): # generate the list of random ints A = generateAListOfRandomInts() # find the smallest and largest items in the list. low, high = smallestLargest( A ) print( "smallest item =", low, " largest item = ", high ) # will print # smallest item = -10 largest item = 20 if __name__=="__main__": main()
- The function smallestLargest() must be recursive.
- You cannot use the min() or max() standard Python functions. If you want to find the largest of two items, you need to do the comparison in Python, using <, <=, >, or >=.
Submit your program to the Moodle section, HW12 PB 1
Problem #2
Write a Python program called that generates, recursively a tree with fruit, as close to the tree shown below as possible. You should not reproduce the text in the image; just the tree, its colors, and its fruit.
- The oranges have a radius of 20. They must be generated inside the recursive function. As a result some of the branches will appear in front, some below the oranges.
- The branches must have different colors, and not be all drawn with the same color.
- Submit your program as well as a screen capture of its output to Moodle, in the HW12 PB2 and HW12 Image 2 sections.
- Note: To change the color of a line with the graphics library (use, please), you should use the setOutline() method rather than the setFill() method.
- I used only 3 colors to generate the tree above: "orange", "blue", and "brown".
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Solution Programs
Recursive MinMax
# # D. Thiebaut # Solution program for Homework 12 def minmax( A ): """recursive function that returns the min and max of a list of comparable items""" # stopping condition #1 if len( A )==0: return None, None # stopping condition #2 if len( A )==1: return A[0], A[0] # recursive step theMin, theMax = minmax( A[1: ] ) # do a bit of work... if A[0] < theMin: theMin = A[0] if A[0] > theMax: theMax = A[0] # return the smallest or largest of what we kept # and what the recursive call brought back return theMin, theMax def main(): A = [ 1, 10, 20, 3, 2, -1, -10, 5, 5, 5, 5 ] low, high = minmax( A ) print( "smallest item =", low, " largest item = ", high ) # will print # smallest item = -10 largest item = 20 A = [ 1 ] low, high = minmax( A ) print( "smallest item =", low, " largest item = ", high ) # will print # smallest item = 1 largest item = 1 A = [ ] low, high = minmax( A ) print( "smallest item =", low, " largest item = ", high ) # will print # smallest item = None largest item = None A = [ "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "epsilon" ] low, high = minmax( A ) print( "smallest item =", low, " largest item = ", high ) # will print # smallest item = alpha largest item = gamma if __name__=="__main__": main()
Fractal Tree
# D. Thiebaut
# Code taken from
# and adapted to work with
# Draws a fractal tree on the graphic window.
from graphics import *
import math
import time
import random
# dimensions of the window
# recursive tree-drawing function
def draw_tree(win , # the canvas
order, # the level of recursion. Starts positive.
theta, # angle of new branch leaving this trunk
sz, # size of this branch
x, y, # coordinates of base of this branch
heading, # angle of direction of this branch
color # color
trunk_ratio = 0.29 # How big is the trunk relative to whole tree?
trunk = sz * trunk_ratio # length of trunk
# compute x, y of end of the current branch
delta_x = trunk * math.cos(heading)
delta_y = trunk * math.sin(heading)
x2, y2 = x + delta_x, y + delta_y
# draw current branch
branch = Line( Point( x, y), Point( x2, y2 ) )
branch.setFill( color )
branch.setWidth( 2 )
branch.setOutline( color )
branch.draw( win )
# if this branch has sub-branches, then recurse
if order > 0:
# make the recursive calls to draw the two subtrees
newsz = sz*(1 - trunk_ratio)
order-1, theta, newsz, x2, y2, heading-theta,
"orange" )
order-1, theta, newsz, x2, y2, heading+theta,
"blue" )
# draw orange
if order == 4:
orange = Circle( Point( x, y ), 20 )
orange.setFill( "orange" )
orange.draw( win )
# draw 1 tree in the middle of the screen, shooting straight up.
def main():
win = GraphWin("Fractal Tree", MAXWIDTH, MAXHEIGHT )
theta = 0.8 # use 0.02 for tall skinny trees, 0.7 for fat trees
"brown" )