CSC111 Homework 3 Solution Programs 2011
--D. Thiebaut 07:41, 13 October 2011 (EDT)
Interesting/surprising/strange random poems gathered from the class
Here is a sample of what the programs generated...
- Kevin Devine usually listens to Manchester Orchestra at home every Sunday.
- Man silently dreams 'neath the old pear tree at twilight
- Our neighbor invariably does cartwheels at the store every day
- Goat farmer slowly likes frolicking in the Sahara as often as possible
- My math professor usually sings at home every Sunday.
- Professor Thiebaut eats sweet oranges deliciously with bears on early mornings
- Chuck Norris graciously bosses me around to infinity and beyond at night.
- Jackie Chan savagely munches on cookies on TV during school
- Flying Spaghetti Monster viscously lectures on the roof before class.
# 111a-bg
# Sydney Ness
# This is a program that creates lists of subjects, adverbs, verbs, locations and times
# and uses random list elements to create a number (inputted by user) of random poems
# Example of user interaction:
# Welcome to Random Poems of the Day!
# How many poems would you like me to generate for you? 2
# Here are your 2 poems:
# Kevin Devine usually sings in Talbot House last at night.
# My math professor never loves pizza underwater all the time.
from random import randrange
def main():
print( "Welcome to the Random Poems of the Day!" )
# ask user how many poems to print
numberPoems = eval(input( "How many poems would you like me to generate for you? "))
# create lists of subjects, adverbs, verbs, locations, times
subjects = [ "Kevin Devine", "The record player", "iTunes", "My math professor", "Amy Poehler" ]
adverbs = [ "usually", "sweetly", "quietly", "never" ]
verbs = [ "sings", "eats pizza", "loves pizza", "listens to Manchester Orchestra" ]
locations = [ "at home", "in Talbot House", "underwater" ]
times = [ "all the time", "late at night", "at sunrise and sunset", "every Sunday" ]
# create a collection of the lists that loops will reference
words = [ subjects, adverbs, verbs, locations, times ]
print( "Here are your", numberPoems, "poems:")
# outer loop ensures that desired number of poems is printed
for j in range( numberPoems ):
for i in words:
# pick a random number from the length of the list
randomIndex = randrange( len(i) )
#print word in list that corresponds to that number, followed by a space
print( i[ randomIndex ], end=" " )
# deletes the last space that was printed and inserts a period
# goes to new line for next poem
print( "\b" + ".", end = "\n")
# 111a-bz
# Yingtong Ding
# 111a-by
# Jenny Wang
# The program prompts the user
# for the width of the form, the name
# of the string to display in the box
# under the date box, the number of candidate
# names and the names of the candidates
# for which forms will be generated
# Then the user enters the names and the program
# outputs the forms, one per name.
# ------------
# The limitations of this program: The width of the form cannot be smaller than
# the length of the names plus the length of the date box plus one.
# The length of the extra label box under the date box cannot be longer than the
# length of the date box.
def main():
# get data from the user
width = eval(input("What is the width of the form? "))
# get name of the extra label under the date from the user
label = input("What is the label of the box under the date? ")
# get the number of candidates from the user
num = eval(input("How many candidates do you have? "))
# get names of the candidates from the user
names = []
for i in range(num):
names.append (input("Candidate "+str(i+1)+" : "))
# compute various quantities
bar = "+" + '-' * (width-2 ) + '+'
blank = '|' + ' ' * (width-2 ) + '|'
commentBlank= '|' + ' Comments'+' ' * (width-2-len(' Comments') ) + '|'
dateLine = '| date: |'
dateLine2 = '+--------------+'
labelLine = '| '+label+' '*(len( dateLine )-3-len(label))+'|'
noSpacesB4 = width - len( dateLine )-1
dateLine2 = '|'+' '*noSpacesB4 + dateLine2
# output the forms for each name
for name in names:
print( bar )
totalNoSpaces = width - 2 - len( name )
noSpacesB4Date = totalNoSpaces +1 - len( dateLine )
print( '|' + name + ' '* noSpacesB4Date + dateLine )
print( dateLine2 )
print( '|' + ' '* (noSpacesB4Date + len(name)) + labelLine)
print( dateLine2 )
print( blank )
print( bar )
print( commentBlank )
# print the blank box
for i in range( 3 ):
print( blank )
print( bar )
Centered Poems
# 111a-ah
# Kate Aloisio
# Edited by D. Thiebaut
# This program creates a number (specified by user) of random poems. Then it
# finds the longest poem and centers the other poems relative to the longest.
# Limitation: Needs at least one poem otherwise the sum() function crashes
from random import randrange
def main():
# create lists of subjects, adverbs, verbs, locations, times
subjects = ["The bank ", "Newton ", "The cloud ", "Agent green ", "The brain "]
adverbs = ["practically ", "simply ", "foolishly ", "unnecessarily ", "suitably "]
verbs = ["correlates ", "responds ", "analyzes ", "computes ", "conspires "]
locations = ["at a candlelit table ", "under the ivy vine ", "in the kitchen "]
times = ["everyday ", "at twilight ", "at dawn "]
# greeting
print("Welcome to the Random Poems of the Day!")
noPoems = eval(input("How many poems would you like me to generate for you? "))
# length of each list
subjectCount = len(subjects)
adverbCount = len(adverbs)
verbCount = len(verbs)
locationCount = len(locations)
timeCount = len(times)
print("\nHere are your",noPoems,"poems: \n" )
# loop for number of poems requested
for i in range(noPoems):
# pick a random number for each list
randomIndexS = randrange(subjectCount)
randomIndexA = randrange(adverbCount)
randomIndexV = randrange(verbCount)
randomIndexL = randrange(locationCount)
randomIndexT = randrange(timeCount)
# create poem and calculate length of poem
poem = Subjects[randomIndexS] + adverbs[randomIndexA] + verbs[randomIndexV] \
+ locations[randomIndexL] + times[randomIndexT]
poemLength = len(poem)
# add poem to list of poems
# add length of poem to list of lengths
# finding the poem with the maximum length
# print poems with indents
for poem in poems:
pLen = len(poem)
print(" "*((mPoem-pLen)//2)+poem)
A very short and concise solution for this problem is provided by Kate.
# 111a-ah
# Kate Aloisio
# This program asks the user how much money she wants
# to withdraw from the cash machine, and will output
# how many 20, 10, 5, and 1 dollar bills she will get in return.
def main():
# greeting
print("\nWelcome to the Virtual Cash Machine\n")
# how much money?
amount = eval( input( "How much money do you need today? " ) )
# break down of bills
print( "\nPlease lift your keyboard and find: ", end=" ")
bills = [ 20, 10, 5, 1 ]
for bill in bills:
count = amount//bill
amount = amount%bill
line = "%2d $%d-bill(s)" % (count, bill)
print( line + "\n" + " "*36, end=" " )
# closing
print( "\nThank you for your transaction!" )
Extra Credit
# 111a-bz - Yingtong Ding
# 111a-by - Jenny Wang
# Edited by D. Thiebaut
# This program the user for the number of different
# bill denominations she wants, the denomination,
# and the amount to withdraw, and will output
# how many bills she will get in return in a box.
# Limitations: the denominations must be entered in
# decreasing order of value, i.e. 20s before 10s, etc.
# Also, the box will not be formatted correctly if the
# user gets more than 99 bills in any of the denominations.
def main():
# Get user input
width = len('Welcome to the SMITH Virtual Cash Machine ')
print ('+'+'-'*(width-2)+'+')
print('| Welcome to the SMITH Virtual Cash Machine |')
print ('+'+'-'*(width-2)+'+')
# get different denominations wanted
num = eval(input('The number of different bill denominations? '))
dems = []
for i in range(num):
dems.append ( eval( input( 'Denomination '+str(i+1)+'? ' ) ) )
# get amount to withdraw
money = eval(input('How much money do you need today? '))
# print out resulting break down in bills
print ('+'+'-'*(width-2)+'+')
print ('|Please lift your keyboard and find: |')
for dem in dems:
no = money//dem
money = money - dem*no
print('| ', no, '$' + "%2d" % dem + '-bill(s)|' )
# close the box
print ("| |")
print ("|Don't buy too much chocolate with that! |")
print ("| |")
print ('+'+'-'*(width-2-len('Good Bye!')-5)+'Good Bye!'+'-'*5+'+')