CSC111 Programming Examples Week 6
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 12:43, 4 March 2015 (EST)
# D. Thiebaut
# Solution functions for Class Exercises
# (see lecture notes for Week 6
def stripState( townState ):
# take townState, and remove the state part
# Solution 1
townNoState = townState.split( ',' )
#print( "townNoState = ", townNoState )
townNoState = townNoState[ 0 ]
return townNoState
# find where the comma is located
index = townState.find( "," )
# slice the string and keep only the part up to, but not including the
# comma
townNoState = townState[ 0: index ]
return townNoState
def anonymizeBox( address ):
#find the open-bracket character [
index1 = address.find( "[" )
#find the close-bracket character ]
index2 = address.find( "]" )
# capture number
boxNumber = address[index1+1:index2]
#print( "boxNumber = ", boxNumber )
# replace box number by "XXXX"
newAddress = address.replace( boxNumber, "XXXX" )
firstPart = address[0:index1+1]
lastPart = address[index2: ]
newAddress = firstPart + "XXXX" + lastPart
return newAddress
newAddress = address.replace( "0", "X" ).replace( "1", "X" )
newAddress = newAddress.replace( "2", "X" ).replace( "3", "X" )
newAddress = newAddress.replace( "4", "X" ).replace( "5", "X" )
newAddress = newAddress.replace( "6", "X" ).replace( "7", "X" )
newAddress = newAddress.replace( "8", "X" ).replace( "9", "X" )
return newAddress
newAddress = address
for digit in ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" ]:
newAddress = newAddress.replace( digit, "X" )
return newAddress
for char in address:
if char in "0123456789":
address = address.replace( char, "X" )
return address
# firstAndLast: assumes that the line that is passed as a parameter
# contains at least one comma. It splits the line on the commas, and
# returns a list made of the first and last words only.
def firstAndLast( line ):
list = line.split( "," )
lineFirstLast = [ list[0], list[-1] ]
return lineFirstLast
def writePoem( fileName ):
file = open( fileName, "w" )
file.write( "The quick\nred fox\njumped over\nthe brown\nsleeping\ndog.\n" )
# given a file name, opens it, reads it as a list of lines,
# and returns the last line only.
def lastLine( fileName ):
file = open( fileName, "r" )
lines = file.readlines()
return lines[-1]
# given a list of animals, returns 3 of them, that are at
# Indexes 0, 2, and 4.
def get024( animals ):
newFarm = []
for i in range( 0, 6, 2 ):
#print( i )
newFarm.append( animals[i] )
return newFarm
def main():
# test stripState
print( stripState( "northampton, Massachusetts" ) )
print( stripState( "Amherst, VA" ) )
town = stripState( "LA, CA" )
print( "town = ", town )
# test anonymizeBox
student = anonymizeBox( "Maria Clara, Box [3949], Smith, Northampton" )
print( student )
# test lastLine
writePoem( "poem.txt" )
print( "last line of poem.txt =", lastLine( "poem.txt" ) )
# test firtAndLast
line = "Knox, Maria, Smith College, 2017"
words = firstAndLast( line )
print( words )
print( words[0], words[1] )
# test get024
farm = ["dog", "cat", "horse", "fly", "goat", "pig" ]
newFarm = get024( farm )
print( newFarm )