CSC111 Programs Written in Class 2014
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 10:40, 10 March 2014 (EDT)
# 2/12/14
a = "hello"
b = "how are you?"
c = "short short short short"
la = len( a )
lb = len( b )
lc = len( c )
Max = la
if lb > la:
Max = lb
if lc > Max:
Max = lc
print( "max = ", Max )
print( "|%12s|" % a )
print( "|%12s|" % b )
print( "|%12s|" % c )
format = "|%-" + str( Max ) + "s|"
print( format )
print( format % a )
print( format % b )
print( format % c )
print( "====================" )
print( "|%*s|" % (Max, a ) )
# rock-paper-scissors
# D. Thiebaut
# example of the use of if-else for playing the game
# (this program is not very robust and will not work
# if the user does not enter an uppercase letter that is
# R, P, or S.
from random import choice
#--- constants ----
OPTIONS = [ 'R', 'P', 'S' ]
USERWINS = "You win!"
#--- computer picks a letter ---
computer = choice( OPTIONS )
#print( computer )
#--- user picks a letter ---
human = input( "Your play? " )
print( "Your play: %s Computer Play: %s" % ( human, computer ) )
#--- decide who wins ---
if human==computer:
print( "It's a tie!" )
if human == 'P':
# user plays Paper
if computer == 'S':
# computer plays Scissors
# computer plays 'R'
print( USERWINS )
if human == 'R':
# user plays Rock
if computer == 'S':
#computer plays Scissors
print( USERWINS )
# computer plays Paper
# user has played Scissors
if computer == 'R':
# computer plays Rock
# computer plays Paper
print( USERWINS )
#Version 2
#This is a tighter version. Shorter and still efficent.
# rock-paper-scissors
# D. Thiebaut
# example of the use of if-else for playing the game
# (this program is not very robust and will not work
# if the user does not enter an uppercase letter that is
# R, P, or S.
from random import choice
OPTIONS = [ 'R', 'P', 'S' ]
USERWINS = "You win!"
computer = choice( OPTIONS )
print( computer )
human = input( "Your play? " )
print( "Your play: %s Computer Play: %s" % ( human, computer ) )
if human==computer:
print( "It's a tie!" )
elif human == 'P' and computer =='R':
print( USERWINS )
elif human == 'P' and computer =='S':
elif human == 'R' and computer =='S':
print( USERWINS )
elif human == 'R' and computer =='P':
elif human == 'S' and computer =='P':
print( USERWINS )
#elif human == 'S' and computer =='R':
#Version 3
#Even more tight, and still very efficient.
# rock-paper-scissors
# D. Thiebaut
# example of the use of if-else for playing the game
# (this program is not very robust and will not work
# if the user does not enter an uppercase letter that is
# R, P, or S.
from random import choice
OPTIONS = [ 'R', 'P', 'S' ]
USERWINS = "You win!"
computer = choice( OPTIONS )
print( computer )
human = input( "Your play? " )
print( "Your play: %s Computer Play: %s" % ( human, computer ) )
if human==computer:
print( "It's a tie!" )
elif human == 'P' and computer =='R' \
or human == 'R' and computer =='S' \
or human == 'S' and computer =='P':
print( USERWINS )
# Dominique Thiebaut
# a program that takes some amount of $
# and breaks it down into some number of
# bills.
amount = 71
bills = amount // 20
amount = amount % 20
if bills!=0:
if bills > 1:
print( bills, "$%d bills" % 20 )
print( bills, "$%d bill" % 20 )
bills = amount // 10
amount = amount % 10
bills = 3
if bills!=0:
sb = "bills"
if bills == 1:
sb = "bill"
#sb = sb.replace( 's', '' )
print( bills, "$%d %s" % (10, sb) )
bills = amount // 5
amount = amount % 5
if bills!=0:
print( bills, "$%d bill(s)" % 5 )
if amount!=0:
print( amount, "$%d bill(s)" % 1 )
# D. Thiebaut
# this program distributes some amount of dollars
# into bills and coins.
# Original amount
amount = 124.45
# transform into two integer amounts, one for bills, one for coins
bAmount = int( amount )
cAmount = int( amount * 100 ) % 100
print( "Distributing $" + str( amount ) )
# distribute amount in different denominations
no20s = bAmount // 20
bAmount = bAmount % 20
no10s = bAmount // 10
bAmount = bAmount % 10
no5s = bAmount // 5
no1s = bAmount % 5
# display resulting bill distribution
print( no20s, "$20-bill(s)" )
print( no10s, "$10-bill(s)" )
print( no5s, "$5-bill(s)" )
print( no1s, "$1-bill(s)" )
# distribute coins into different quantities
no25s = cAmount // 25
cAmount = cAmount % 25
no10s = cAmount // 10
cAmount = cAmount % 10
no5s = cAmount // 5
no1s = cAmount % 5
# display resulting coin distribution
print( no25s, "quarter(s)" )
print( no10s, "dime(s)" )
print( no5s, "nickel(s)" )
print( no1s, "cent(s)" )
# D. Thiebaut
# this program distributes some amount of dollars
# into bills and coins.
def distribute( amount, d1, d2, d3, d4 ):
n1 = amount // d1
amount = amount % d1
n2 = amount // d2
amount = amount % d2
n3 = amount // d3
amount = amount % d3
n4 = amount % d4
print( "%d unit(s) of %d" % ( n1, d1 ) )
print( "%d unit(s) of %d" % ( n2, d2 ) )
print( "%d unit(s) of %d" % ( n3, d3 ) )
print( "%d unit(s) of %d" % ( n4, d4 ) )
amount = 124.45
bAmount = int( amount )
cAmount = int( amount * 100 ) % 100
print( "Distributing $" + str( amount ) )
distribute( bAmount, 20, 10, 5, 1 )
distribute( cAmount, 25, 10, 5, 1 )
# D. Thiebaut
# looks for 2 keywords in a series of input
# sentences. Stops when the sentinel "Z END"
# is found.
#--- constant ---
#--- variables ---
key1Count = 0
key2Count = 0
line = ""
# keep looping until we find sentinel
while line.find( SENTINEL ) == -1:
line = input().upper()
if line.find( KEY1 ) != -1:
key1Count = key1Count + 1
if line.find( KEY2 ) != -1:
key2Count += 1
print( "number of lines containing %-10s: %d" % ( KEY1, key1Count ) )
print( "number of lines containing %-10s: %d" % ( KEY2, key2Count ) )
# D. Thiebaut
# keeps on accepting positive numbers on the input until a negative
# number is entered (sentinel)
# prints the count of numbers between 0 and 10 (included) in the input
counter = 0
timeToStop = False
while timeToStop == False:
x = int( input( "> " ) )
if x < 0:
timeToStop = True
elif x <= 10:
counter = counter + 1
print( "%d numbers were found to be between 0 and 10" % counter )
# D. Thiebaut
# longest of 3 strings
s1 = "a long string "
s2 = "a short one "
s3 = "a much longer string"
l1 = len( s1 )
l2 = len( s2 )
l3 = len( s3 )
# find the max lmax of l1, l2, l3
# (we assume that we do not know about the max() function!)
lmax = l3 # temporary
if l1 >= lmax:
lmax = l1
if l2 >= lmax:
lmax = l2
b1 = " " * ( lmax - l1 )
b2 = " " * ( lmax - l2 )
b3 = " " * ( lmax - l3 )
print( "|%s%s|" % ( s1, b1 ) )
print( "|%s%s|" % ( s2, b2 ) )
print( "|%s%s|" % ( s3, b3 ) )
# my very first program
print( "Hello DT's world!" )
print( 'Hello DT's world!' )
def f1( a, b )
for i in range( b ):
print( a, end=',' )
def f2( a, b )
f1( '-', 20 )
f1( a, 10 )
f1( b, 5 )
a = 0
def main( ):
a = 100
f2( ' ', ' ' )
f2( 5, 6 )
f2( "hello", "there" )
def greetings():
print( "+-----+" )
print( "|hello|" )
print( "+-----+" )
for i in range( 10 ):
def restaurant():
def student1():
print("Caramba!" )
def student2():
print("No, No, No!" )
def student3():
print( "Si" )
# play
for i in range( 3 ):
def box( word ):
print( "+" + ( "-" * len( word ) ) + "+" )
print( "|" + word + "|" )
print( "+" + ( "-" * len( word ) ) + "+" )
box( "hello" )
box( "A very long sentence with lots of junk characters asldkfja;ldfkjas;lfkj" )
box( str( 23 ) )
def student1_4( sentence ):
print( sentence )
def student2_4( sentence ):
print( "My T-Shirt says", sentence )
def student3_4( sentence ):
print( "And now listen to this: " )
student1_4( sentence )
def superStudent( word1, word2, word3 ):
student1_4( word1 )
student2_4( word2 )
student3_4( word3 )
# play
#student1_4( "I am tired" )
#student2_4( "I live for Chocolate" )
#student3_4( "Almost Spring Break!" )
#superStudent( "I am tired", "I live for Chocolate", "Almost Spring Break!" )
#superStudent( "My T-Shirt Says", "", "" )
def student1_5( sentence1, sentence2 ):
student2_5( sentence1 )
student3_5( sentence2 )
def student2_5( sentence ):
print( "hear this: ", sentence )
def student3_5( sentence ):
print( "The news is: ", sentence )
student1_5( "Spring Break in two weeks!", "Exam in a week and a half" )
# skeleton program
# D. Thiebaut
from hw5data import array
from hw5data import noSamples
from hw5data import firstWordIndex
from hw5data import secondWordIndex
from hw5data import thirdWordIndex
# display whole array
print( "array = ", array )
# copy word 1 over word 2
j = secondWordIndex
for i in range( firstWordIndex, secondWordIndex ):
array[ j ] = array[ i ]
j = j + 1
print( "array = ", array )
# swap sample 3 with sample 12
i = 3
j = 12
temp = array[ i ]
array[ i ] = array[ j ]
array[ j ] = temp
print( "array = ", array )
# D. Thiebaut
array = []
sign = -1
for i in range(WORDLENGTH):
array.append( (i*5%7+1) )
for i in range(GAPLENGTH):
array.append( 0 )
for i in range(WORDLENGTH):
array.append( (i+1)*2 )
for i in range(GAPLENGTH):
array.append( 0 )
for i in range(WORDLENGTH):
array.append( sign*(i*7%9+1) )
sign = -sign
for i in range(GAPLENGTH):
array.append( 0 )
#print( "array = ", array )
noSamples = len( array )
firstWordIndex = 0
secondWordIndex = noSamples//3
thirdWordIndex = (2*noSamples)//3
file = pickAFile()
sound = makeSound( file )
#blockingPlay( sound )
noSamples = getLength( sound )
printNow( "number of samples = %d" % noSamples )
value = getSampleValueAt( sound, 0 )
setSampleValueAt( sound, 0, 1000 )
startClear = 10000
for i in range( startClear, noSamples ):
setSampleValueAt( sound, i, 0 )
#blockingPlay( sound )
# echo
endWord = 10266
offset = 4000
for i in range( endWord, -1, -1):
j = i + offset
#print( i, j )
valueLeft = getSampleValueAt( sound, i)
valueRight = getSampleValueAt( sound, j)
setSampleValueAt( sound, j, valueLeft//4 + valueRight )
#print( array )
blockingPlay( sound )
# tax rate table
# D. Thiebaut
# prints the first 10 years of an initial investment
# at a fixed yearly interest rate
# 1) set initial balance: $1000
InitialBal = 1000
# 2) set initial interest rate
IntRate = 0.05
# 3) balance after 1 year is initial balance + initial balance * interest rate
Bal1Year = InitialBal + InitialBal * IntRate
# 4) display balance after 1 year
print( "balance = ", Bal1Year )
# 5) make initial balance the balance after 1 year
InitialBal = Bal1Year
# 6) repeat 3, 4, 5 10 times
# 3) balance after 1 year is initial balance + initial balance * interest rate
Bal1Year = InitialBal + InitialBal * IntRate
# 4) display balance after 1 year
print( "balance = ", Bal1Year )
# 5) make initial balance the balance after 1 year
InitialBal = Bal1Year
# 3) balance after 1 year is initial balance + initial balance * interest rate
Bal1Year = InitialBal + InitialBal * IntRate
# 4) display balance after 1 year
print( "balance = ", Bal1Year )
# 5) make initial balance the balance after 1 year
InitialBal = Bal1Year
# 3) balance after 1 year is initial balance + initial balance * interest rate
Bal1Year = InitialBal + InitialBal * IntRate
# 4) display balance after 1 year
print( "balance = ", Bal1Year )
# 5) make initial balance the balance after 1 year
InitialBal = Bal1Year
# 3) balance after 1 year is initial balance + initial balance * interest rate
Bal1Year = InitialBal + InitialBal * IntRate
# 4) display balance after 1 year
print( "balance = ", Bal1Year )
# 5) make initial balance the balance after 1 year
InitialBal = Bal1Year
# 3) balance after 1 year is initial balance + initial balance * interest rate
Bal1Year = InitialBal + InitialBal * IntRate
# 4) display balance after 1 year
print( "balance = ", Bal1Year )
# 5) make initial balance the balance after 1 year
InitialBal = Bal1Year
# 3) balance after 1 year is initial balance + initial balance * interest rate
Bal1Year = InitialBal + InitialBal * IntRate
# 4) display balance after 1 year
print( "balance = ", Bal1Year )
# 5) make initial balance the balance after 1 year
InitialBal = Bal1Year
# 3) balance after 1 year is initial balance + initial balance * interest rate
Bal1Year = InitialBal + InitialBal * IntRate
# 4) display balance after 1 year
print( "balance = ", Bal1Year )
# 5) make initial balance the balance after 1 year
InitialBal = Bal1Year
# 3) balance after 1 year is initial balance + initial balance * interest rate
Bal1Year = InitialBal + InitialBal * IntRate
# 4) display balance after 1 year
print( "balance = ", Bal1Year )
# 5) make initial balance the balance after 1 year
InitialBal = Bal1Year
# 3) balance after 1 year is initial balance + initial balance * interest rate
Bal1Year = InitialBal + InitialBal * IntRate
# 4) display balance after 1 year
print( "balance = ", Bal1Year )
# 5) make initial balance the balance after 1 year
InitialBal = Bal1Year
# my second program of the week
# D. Thiebaut
name = "Hello World!"
#a = 3
#b = 5
#c = 10
#print(a, b, c)
for i in range( 10 ):
print( i )
#print( "+" + "-" * (len( name )+2) + "+" )
#print( "|", name, "|" )
#print( "+" + "-" * (len( name )+2) + "+" )
sum = 0
i = 0
print( "1", i )
while i <= 10:
print( "2" )
if i % 2 == 0:
print( "3", i )
sum = sum + 1
print( "4", i )
i = i + 1
print( "5", i )
print( "Done!" )
answer = input( "Do you like Python (Y/N)? " )
answer = answer.lower()
answer = answer.strip()
answer = answer[0]
while answer != 'y' and answer != 'n':
answer = input( "Sorry, I didn't get that. Please reenter: " )
print( "Thanks for your input!" )
human = input( "Your play? " ).lower().strip()
#while human != 'p' and human != 's' and human != 'r' :
# human = input( "Invalid input, please try again: " ).lower().strip()
#while not ( human == 'p' or human == 'r' or human == 's' ):
# human = input( "Invalid input, please try again: " ).lower().strip()
isValid = human == 'p' or human == 'r' or human == 's'
while not isValid:
human = input( "Invalid input, please try again: " ).lower().strip()
A =[ 5, 3, 2, 1, 10, -1]
print( A )
L =len( A )
for i in range( (L-1)//2, -1, -1 ):
print( "Swapping %d and %d" % ( A[i], A[L-i-1] ) )
temp = A[ i ]
A[ i ] = A[L-i-1]
A[L-i-1] = temp
print( A )
file = pickAFile()
sound = makeSound( file )
blockingPlay( sound)
for i in range( 0, getLength( sound ) ):
value = getSampleValueAt( sound, i )
setSampleValueAt( sound, i, value/2 )
blockingPlay( sound)
array = [4, 2, 3, 1, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for sample in array:
print( sample, end=" " )
for i in range( len( array ) ):
#print( i, end=" " )
sample = array[ i ]
print( sample, end=" " )
# clear end of waveform
startIndex = 4
#i = startIndex
#while i < len( array ):
# array[i] = 0
# i = i + 1
#print( array )
for i in range( startIndex, len( array ) ):
#print( i, end=" " )
array[i] = 0
print( array )
# reverse
for i in range( 0, len( array )//2 ):
#print( i, end=" " )
j = len( array )-1 -i
#print( i, j )
temp = array[ i ]
array[ i ] = array[ j ]
array[ j ] = temp
print( array )
# echo
endWord = 3
offset = 2
for i in range( endWord, -1, -1):
j = i + offset
print( i, j )
valueLeft = array[i]
valueRight = array[j]
array[j] = valueLeft//2 + valueRight
print( array )
# Teller machine program
# D. Thiebaut
# initialize
# Amount = 123
amount = 1236
# compute
# number20s = amount // 20
number20s = amount // 20
# number10s = leftover // 10
leftover1 = amount % 20
number10s = leftover1 // 10
# number5s = leftover // 5
number5s = leftover1 // 5
leftover2 = leftover1 % 10
# number1s = leftover // 1
number1s = leftover2 // 1
print( amount, number20s, number10s, number5s, number1s )
# output number20s, number10s, number5s, number1s