CSC111 Simple Programs Introducing OOP
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 10:00, 7 April 2014 (EDT)
Program 1: NO OOP
# D. Thiebaut
# Collection of People.
# A preparation program for Object Oriented programming.
# This program DOES NOT USE OBJECTS. It creates a list
# of people composed of a name, an age, a gpa, and a major.
# It displays the partial list of the people, add a new person,
# modifies one record, and displays the new partial list.
text = """
Alex, 20, 3.6, ART
Lulu, 21, 3.5, BIO
Alka, 19, 3.0, ENG
Le, 21, 3.2, EGR
def main():
# create a list of people taken from the text
people = []
for line in text.split( "\n" ):
words = line.split( "," )
# skip ill-formed lines
if len( words ) != 4:
# strip each word
words = [ w.strip() for w in words ]
person = [ words[0], int( words[1] ), float( words[2] ), words[3] ]
people.append( person )
# display the list of names and their age
print( "Names: " )
for name, age, gpa, major in people:
print( "\t", name, "\t\t", age )
# add a new person to the list
people.append( [ "Xiaole", 21, 3.9, "CSC" ] )
# modify age of person named Alka
for person in people:
if person[0].lower() == "alka":
person[1] += 1
# display the list of names
print( "Names: " )
for name, age, gpa, major in people:
print( "\t", name, "\t\t", age )
Alex 20
Lulu 21
Alka 19
Le 21
Alex 20
Lulu 21
Alka 20
Le 21
Xiaole 21
Same Program, using OOP
# D. Thiebaut
# Collection of People (mirror of Program
# A preparation program for Object Oriented programming.
# This program USES OBJECTS. It creates a list
# of people composed of a name, an age, a gpa, and a major.
# It displays the partial list of the people, add a new person,
# modifies one record, and displays the new partial list.
text = """
Alex, 20, 3.6, ART
Lulu, 21, 3.5, BIO
Alka, 19, 3.0, ENG
Le, 21, 3.2, EGR
class Person:
# a class containing 4 fields:
# - name of the person (string)
# - age (integer)
# - gpa (float)
# - major (string, uppercase)
# constructor: intializes a person with all fields
def __init__(self, n, a, g, m):
self._name = n
self._age = a
self._gpa = g
self._major= m
# returns a string with the name and age.
def toString( self ):
return "\t%s\t\t%d" % ( self._name, self._age )
# returns the name
def getName( self ):
return self._name
# set the age to a new value x
def setAge( self, x ):
self._age = x
# returns the age of the person
def getAge( self ):
return self._age
def main():
# create a list of people taken from the text
people = []
for line in text.split( "\n" ):
words = line.split( "," )
# skip ill-formed lines
if len( words ) != 4:
# strip each word
words = [ w.strip() for w in words ]
person = Person( words[0], int( words[1] ), float( words[2] ), words[3] )
people.append( person )
# display the list of names and their age
print( "Names: " )
for person in people:
print( person.toString() )
# add a new person to the list
people.append( Person("Xiaole", 21, 3.9, "CSC") )
# modify age of person named Alka
for person in people:
if person.getName().lower() == "alka":
person.setAge( person.getAge() + 1 )
# display the list of names and their age
print( "Names: " )
for person in people:
print( person.toString() )
Alex 20
Lulu 21
Alka 19
Le 21
Alex 20
Lulu 21
Alka 20
Le 21
Xiaole 21
# D. Thiebaut
# An OOP program illustrating the use of another class, and
# creating a list of objects created from this class.
# DOG: a class providing a container for a tag name and a
# boolean indicating if the dog is vaccinated or not.
# public methods supported:
# - isVaccinated() return True if the dog is, False otherwise
# - getNameTag() returns the dog's name tag
# - setNameTag() sets the name tag to the string argument
class Dog:
# constructor
def __init__( self, tag, vaccinated ):
self._tag = tag
self._vaccinated = vaccinated
# default string representation for the dog
def __str__( self ):
if self._vaccinated==True:
return "%s (vaccinated)" % self._tag
return "%s (not vaccinated)" % self._tag
def isVaccinated( self ):
return self._vaccinated
def getNameTag( self ):
return self._tag
def setNameTag( self, tag ):
self._tag = tag
# displays a list of dogs
def displayList( list, caption ):
print( caption )
for dog in list:
print( dog )
# main program: creates a list of dogs, displays it, finds the vaccinated ones.
def main():
dogs = []
dogs.append( Dog( "Rex", True ) )
dogs.append( Dog( "Fido", False ) )
dogs.append( Dog( "Fifi", True ) )
displayList( dogs, "\n\nList of dogs" )
vaccinated = []
for dog in dogs:
if dog.isVaccinated():
vaccinated.append( dog )
displayList( dogs, "\n\nList of vaccinated dogs" )