CSC231 Code Snippets
;;; examples.asm ;;; D. Thiebaut ;;; ;;; A menagery of code snippets illustrating ;;; frequent constructs (for loops, etc) ;;; assemble with 231Lib.asm library ;;; ;;; nasm -f elf examples.asm ;;; nasm -f elf 231Lib.asm ;;; ld -melf_i386 -o examples examples.o 231Lib.o ;;; section .data table db "ABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABC" tableLen equ $-table array dd 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 N equ ($-array)/4 i dd 0 x dd 0 y dd 0 section .text extern _println, _printString, _printInt global _start _start: ;;; ----------------------------------------------- ;;; ----------------------------------------------- ;;; i = 3; ;;; if ( x != y ) { ;;; array[i] = 0; ;;; else ;;; array[i] = 1; ;;; } ;;; ; ----------------------------------------------- mov dword[i], 3 mov ebx, dword[i] if0: mov eax, dword[x] cmp eax, dword[y] je else0 then0: mov byte[array + ebx*4], 0 jmp endIf0 else0: mov byte[array + ebx*4], 1 endIf0: ;;; ----------------------------------------------- ;;; Simple for loop ;;; ----------------------------------------------- mov ecx, tableLen mov ebx, table for1: add byte[ebx],'a'-'A' ;change char to lower ; case inc ebx ;point to next char loop for1 mov ecx, table mov edx, tableLen call _printString call _println ;;; ----------------------------------------------- ;;; For-loop using ecx and loop and saving ecx, ;;; Version 1 ;;; ----------------------------------------------- section .data saveEcx dd 0 section .text mov ecx, tableLen ;get ready to loop tableLen mov ebx, table ; times for2: mov dword[saveEcx], ecx add byte[ebx],1 ;"increment" char to ; get next logical char ; in alphabet mov ecx, ebx mov edx, 1 call _printString ;print char just modified inc ebx ;point to next char mov ecx, dword[saveEcx] loop for2 call _println ;;; ----------------------------------------------- ;;; For-loop using ecx and loop and saving ecx in ;;; stack. Version 2 ;;; ----------------------------------------------- mov ecx, tableLen ;get ready to loop tableLen mov ebx, table ; times for3: push ecx ;save ecx add byte[ebx],1 ;"increment" char to mov ecx, ebx mov edx, 1 call _printString ;print char just modified inc ebx ;point to next char pop ecx ;get ecx back from stack loop for3 call _println ;;; ----------------------------------------------- ;;; For-loop using ecx and loop and saving ecx in ;;; stack. Runs on array of ints. Version 3 ;;; ----------------------------------------------- mov ecx, N ;get ready to loop tableLen mov ebx, array ; times for4: push ecx ;save ecx add dword[ebx],ecx ;"increment" int with ecx ; just for fun mov eax, dword[ebx] call _printInt ;print char just modified add ebx, 4 ;point to next int (4 bytes away) pop ecx ;get ecx back from stack loop for4 call _println ;;; ----------------------------------------------- ;;; For-loop using an index i ;;; ;;; for (i = 0; i < N; i += 3 ) { ;;; array[i] = 10; ;;; print( array[i] ); ;;; } ;;; ----------------------------------------------- section .data i dd 0 section .text mov dword[i], 0 for5: cmp dword[i], N jge endFor5 mov ebx, dword[i] ;ebx <- i add ebx, ebx ;ebx <- 2*i add ebx, ebx ;ebx <- 4*i = offset of ; array[i] in array mov dword[ebx+array], 10 ;array[i] <- 10 call _printInt add dword[i], 3 ;i += 3 jmp for5 endFor5: call _println ;;; ----------------------------------------------- ;;; For-loop using an index j. Same as previous ;;; loop, except uses option of multiplying ebx by ;;; 4 when ebx represents an index in an array of ;;; dwords. ;;; for (j = 0; j < N; j += 1 ) { ;;; array[j] = j; ;;; print( array[j] ); ;;; } ;;; ----------------------------------------------- section .data j dd 0 section .text mov dword[j], 0 for6: cmp dword[j], N jge endFor6 mov ebx, dword[j] ;ebx <- j mov eax, dword[j] ;eax <- j mov dword[ebx*4+array], eax ;array[i] <- 10 ;Note the "ebx*4" ; part of the indirect ; mode. This is because ; the array is an array of ints, ; which are multiples of 4 bytes. mov eax, dword[ebx*4+array] call _printInt inc dword[j] jmp for6 endFor6: call _println ;;; ----------------------------------------------- exit: mov eax, 1 mov ebx, 0 int 0x80