CSC270 Homework 1 2016
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 07:22, 28 January 2016 (EST)
The homework will always be due a week after its release, i.e. on Thursday. The work will normally be submitted on Moodle, and you will have until 11:55 p.m. on Thursday to do so.
This homework is due on 2/4/16, at 11:55 p.m. Look on Moodle, in the CSC270 section for the location where to submit your answer. A good approach for this homework is to generate a Word document, include copies of your diagrams (photos of hand-drawn diagrams are fine), and submit a pdf of the whole document, containing all the answers to the various problems.
You can work individually or in pairs on this homework. No groups of three or more students are allowed. If you work in a pair, you cannot share information with another group or single student. Make sure your name or names are clearly written at the top of your document.
Problem 2.2 in Mano
- Simplify all expressions (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f). To give you an idea, I'll simplify the first one here:
(a) xy + xy' = x (y + y') = x ( 1 ) = x
- Look at Table 2.1 in Mano to figure out what simplifying expressions to use.
Problem 2.10 in Mano
Solve Problem 2.10.
Problem 2.11 in Mano
Solve Problem 2.11.
Problem 2.14 in Mano
- Solve only questions (a), (b), and (c). You do not need to add pin numbers to the gates. Look at Figure 2.2 for inspiration for what your diagrams should look like. You should have a column of variables on the left, horizontal lines going to gates, and then a combination of gates with a single output. Label all the inputs and the output.
- Write a Python or Java program (whichever language is easier for you to use), to generate the truth table of the function F3 of Figure 2.4 in Mano.
- Include the code and the output of the program in your pdf.