CSC270 Homework 5 2012
--D. Thiebaut 15:33, 29 February 2012 (EST)
This assignment is due one week from Wednesday's lab, and should be turned in at the beginning of Lab 6.
Problem 1
- Design a fully functional FSM that activates two lights, a green light and a red light. The green light stays on for 40 seconds,
and the red light for 10 seconds.
- Show all the steps of development of your FSM
- What is the frequency of operation of the clock signal you will use to activate your FSM?
- Write a Python program (or Java program) that simulates your FSM and proves its correct operation. Include a listing of your program along with a copy of its output in your homework handout.
- Draw the schematics of your FSM (no pin numbers needed for this assignment).
Problem 2
- Same as Problem 1, but assume that there is an input signal that can be activated by a human. If the signal is 0, the FSM behaves exactly as explained in Problem 1. When the signal is 1, however, the FSM switches to a state where the red light is ON and the green light OFF. The FSM will remain in this mode until the signal is set back to 0, and the cycle of green on for 40 sec, off for 10 will continue.