CSC352 Comparison threading to multiprocessing
This is a simple comparison of the execution times of the N-Queen program in a threaded version, and in a multiprocessing version. This application is ideally parallel in that there is no communication required between threads or processes, except at the end when a solution has been found. The program stops when the first solution is found.
- Ran Threaded and Multiprocessing versions of NQueens programs (see Category:Python for source code) for N ranging from 10 to 25.
- Typical shell script:
#! /bin/bash
for i in {10..25}
echo $i
time python ./ $i | grep user
- recorded the times in spreadsheet (used Python program to parse the data)
Another Comparison
PEP 371 provides a nice collection of benchmarks comparing the execution times of threaded applications versus their multiprocessing equivalent.