--D. Thiebaut 07:27, 8 September 2011 (EDT)
# Jane Doe 111a-as
# ( edited by D. Thiebaut )
# this program prints a random poem as many times as
# the user chooses.
# each poem is made from a random subject, random adverb,
# random verb, random location, and random time.
# The program keeps a collection of subjects, adverbs, verbs,
# locations and times.
# (NOTE: This program is for Python Version 2. Won't work with
# Python V. 3 and above.)
from random import randrange
def main():
#--- ask user for number of poems ---
print "Welcome to Random Poems of the Day!"
noPoems = input("How many poems would you like me to write? ")
#--- create lists of poem elements ---
subjects = ['Kep', 'Ford Prefect', 'Albus Dumbledore', 'Madeline LEngle']
adverbs = ['quietly', 'vehemently', 'surprisingly', 'naturally', 'explosively']
verbs = ['exfoliates', 'defenestrates', 'drinks peppermint tea']
locations = ['in Chicago', 'by the statue of the one-eyed witch',\
'under my desk']
times = ['around teatime', 'before breakfast', 'during quiet hours',\
'while watching House']
collection = [ subjects, adverbs, verbs, locations, times ]
#--- print all the poems, each one randomly picked ---
for i in range( noPoems ):
#--- pick a group of words ---
for group in collection:
count = len( group ) # total # words in group
randomIndex = randrange( count ) # random index less than count
print group[ randomIndex ], # just print random word at that index