Mini assignment for Wed 9/29: create an organizational chart for the project. What needs to happen? What tools will be needed? How/where is the data stored? How is the data observed?
Visualization of Wikileaks in Processing by Mike Dewar. Mike says This is a visualisation of activity in Afghanistan from 2004 to 2009 based on the Wikileaks data set. Here we’re thinking of activity as the number of events logged in a small region of the map over a 1 month window. These events consist of all the different types of activity going on in Afghanistan.
The intensity of the heatmap represents the number of events logged. The colour range is from 0 to 60+ events over a one month window. We cap the colour range at 60 events so that low intensity activity involving just a handful of events can be seen – in lots of cases there are many more than 60 events in one particular region. The heatmap is constructed for every day in the period from 2004-2009, and the movie runs at 10 days per second.
Storing uploaded files on server: in database or in subdirectories?
Random subdirectories, md5 hashing, in general, and with md5.