keywords: and del for is raise assert elif from lambda return break else global not try class except if or while continue exec import pass yield def finally in print
In this video, play close attention to the digital horses, and how, in the preliminary movie, we see how the horses are just collections of fixed size blocks (cylinders) attached to each other.
In the next video, the scarabs are objects (particles) that move on their own, in a given direction, avoiding collision with objects. (and more videos on this page.
What happens if you connect basic shapes together at random, connect them with articulation points, give them energy to move one block around the other, and iterate hundred of thousands of times and keep the best solutions to generate new ones?
The list of all the reserved words of the Python language
and del for is raise assert elif from lambda return break else global not try class except if or while continue exec import pass yield def finally in print