Computer architecture: Processor and memory. Their different roles.
The concept of an imperative language.
Python is a language. Difference between interpreted languages and compiled languages.
Getting into the logic of programming. This week we'll "program as an exercise in logic intuition," rather than learning the basics.
Playing with Python.
x = 3
name = "hello"
keywords: and del from not while as elif global or with assert else if pass yield break except import print class exec in raise continue finally is return def for lambda try
Printing strings. What's a string?
Printing numbers. What's a number? What is the difference between "3" and 3?
Understanding the difference between an editor and the shell (console) windows
Looping through a list and outputting formated information
Comments on Lab 1
Rules for labeling a variable
CamelCase for regular variables, uppercase for constants
Thinking of a variable as a box, or drawer.
Variables can switch contents
Types of values: int, float, string, char
The concept of an algorithm (Section 1.7 in textbook)
Must be unambiguous, executable, and terminating.
Example: calculating the
Review of the week: some of the concepts covered: variables, literals, integers, reals, strings, functions, statements, comments
Preparation for Lab #1 <== Please do this if you plan on using your own laptop during the labs blog. Check out the answers posted by many readers. They contain some interesting links that you may find useful!
Python keywords
The list of all the reserved words of the Python language
and del for is raise assert elif from lambda return break else global not try class except if or while continue exec import pass yield def finally in print