** [[CSC111 Exercises on Writing Classes| Exercises]] (only last exercise) [[CSC111 Class Exercise Sketch| (What we did in class)]]
** [[CSC111 Exercises on Writing Classes| Exercises]] (only last exercise) [[CSC111 Class Exercise Sketch| (What we did in class)]]
** [[CSC111 Blinking Light Example| Blinking Light]]: objects that have their own "behavior" and state
** [[CSC111 Blinking Light Example| Blinking Light]]: objects that have their own "behavior" and state
** The concept of class ''Inheritance'': [[CSC111 Example of Inheritance: Rectangle with a label| Example]]
** '''Dictionaries'''. A hands on introduction can be found [[CSC111_Lab_12_2010 | here]]. And here's an [[CSC111 Counting Frequencies of Occurrence| example for counting the frequency of occurrence of words or letters in a text]]
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* '''Tuesday'''
* '''Tuesday'''
** Advanced Topics
** Advanced Topic 1: The concept of class ''Inheritance'': [[CSC111 Example of Inheritance: Rectangle with a label| Example]]
** Advanced Topic 2: '''Dictionaries'''. A hands on introduction can be found [[CSC111_Lab_12_2010 | here]]. And here's an [[CSC111 Counting Frequencies of Occurrence| example for counting the frequency of occurrence of words or letters in a text]]
*** Practicing with dictionaries: [[CSC111 How cold is it in England?| How cold is it in England?]]
*** Dictionaries
*** Dictionaries
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* Installing and using the [http://www.smith.edu/its/tara/file_transfer/ssh_sftp.html#installing Secure Shell Client] on a Windows PC[http://cs.smith.edu/~thiebaut/classes/111/SecureShell/ .]
* Installing and using the [http://www.smith.edu/its/tara/file_transfer/ssh_sftp.html#installing Secure Shell Client] on a Windows PC[http://cs.smith.edu/~thiebaut/classes/111/SecureShell/ .]
Computer Science lunch. "What we did last summer: CS Majors share their experience of the past summer. Informal gathering with free food, Ford Hall 345, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Read Chapter 3 in Zelle on your own. Instead of covering the information of this chapter in a class, we'll visit this information throughout the semester as we progress with Python.
Important concepts from Chapter 3:
the math functions (abs, round), and
the fact that mixing integers and floats always yields a float result.
math operators: /, //, % (remainder)
Week 5 10/4
Understanding Python modules and syntax for using them
Welcome to our visitor: Susan S. Elliott, Founder & Chair, SSE, Inc., and author, Across the Divide: Navigating the Digital Revolution as a Woman, Entrepreneur and CEO.
Top-Down Design: Putting N-Queens on an NxN chessboard. This is the first step of a more complex problem we'll revisit later and which deals with the N-Queens problem.
Classes are covered in Chapter 10 of the textbook.
Week 14 12/6
Office Hours today: 2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Discussion: how to create simple animation based on the fish animation: Look at work by Eadweard Muybridge.
More interesting videos on YouTube if you search for Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904), a pioneer of the capture of animal locomotion through photography...
disocovermagazine.com blog. Check out the answers posted by many readers. They contain some interesting links that you may find useful!
Python keywords
The list of all the reserved words of the Python language
and del for is raise assert elif from lambda return break else global not try class except if or while continue exec import pass yield def finally in print