If you are considering working on an honors thesis, you might want to take a look at this page on writing Honors thesis with Latex.
Comments on bimonthly newsletter
The format should be similar to the ACM Tech News format.
The header should contain a title, your name, the class (CSC352) and the date
Each paragraph should have a header with a title, the source of news, the date, and possibly a link to the full article.
The paragraph describing a news item should be between 3 to 10 lines, give or take.
Write 1 full page to 2 pages, depending on the richness of events in the technology field
Feel free to present N-1 topics with just 3 lines, and 1 topic which you highlight with a longer paragraph.
Topics: anything related to parallelism: computers, mobile platforms, cloud, companies, new software, new algorithms, conferences, people in the field, etc.
Homework: play with Latex. Find or adapt a document template for your needs (minimalist is the name of the game at this point), and start gathering news bits. First newsletter due Thursday Sept. 19th. The ACM Tech News format is a good and simple format to emulate.
Discussion of A View of Parallel Processing from Berkeley. Prepare a 1- to 2-page summary of the paper in Latex. Hand-in the summary in class. No summaries will be accepted after class.
Some topics taken from the paper:
Moore's Law:
Processor-DRAM gap increasing (graph taken from www.cs.virginia)
All the data structures of interest (concurrent non-blocking and blocking) can be found in the Oracle documentation. The information is a bit cryptic, but you need to get comfortable with it!
Tuesday: Tentative Guest Lecture/Informal discussion with by Tim Draper
Some questions to start the conversation:
How has the cloud infrastructure changed entrepreneurship, if at all?
There is a whole ecosystem growing around the cloud services offered by Amazon and the other players: new companies offering services and using Amazon's AWS for example. What are some of the most interesting companies/ideas/technologies emerging that you have discovered or been involved with?
There is tremendous worries about the safety and privacy of data in the cloud. Is this an area of growth students should consider?
What other area of growth do you see that students should keep in their view-sight?
If a graduating major is interested in joining a start-up company, what are the signs she should be looking for before joining such a group?
Some students are interested in a management track, starting at a big company and climbing fast. What is your advice for best preparing for this type of career?
What is the most exciting development in your eyes happening now with cloud technology?
Week 5 10/1
Tuesday (Grace Hopper Conference)
Thursday (Grace Hopper Conference)
Newsletter #2 due today. Please include 1 news item about some form of image collage, representation of many images in some form, hopefully digital.
Week 6 10/8
Thursday: 50-min Presentation by Rocco Piccinino in FH241 on using the library resources for research.
Week 7 10/15
Tuesday: Fall Break
Week 8 10/22
Week 9 10/29
Week 10 11/5
Tuesday: Otelia Cromwell Day
Week 11 11/12
Week 12 11/19
Tuesday: Guest Lecture (DT @ INFOCOMP 2013)
Thursday: Tentative guest lecture: Nick Howe on CUDA and GPUs
Week 13 11/26
Thursday: Thanksgiving Break
Week 14 12/3
Week 15 12/10
Tuesday: Last Day of Class
Links and Resources
On-Line Resources
Introduction to Parallel Processing, by Blaise Barney, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. A good read. Covers most of the important topics.
Introduction to MPI, by Blaise Barney, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Another short but excellent coverage of a topic in parallel processing, this time MPI.
This is a tentative and non exhaustive list of papers scheduled for reading this semester.
A View of Cloud Computing, 2010, By Armbrust, Michael and Fox, Armando and Griffith, Rean and Joseph, Anthony D. and Katz, Randy and Konwinski, Andy and Lee, Gunho and Patterson, David and Rabkin, Ariel and Stoica, Ion and Zaharia, Matei.
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data, by Halevy, Norvig, Pereira, IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE Intelligent Systems, March 2009, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 8-12.